November Roses

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Be Still

Can you even begin to count how many times you were told as a child to "be still?" Or how many times you said that to your own kiddo? Well, as many times as I've heard it, I don't think I've gotten any better at it! When I feel unsettled or anxious, I get antsy - gotta move, gotta do something, gotta change something. Being still feels like wasting time.
So adding to that belt of truth...I heard a verse on the radio The other day that I actually memorized right then. It was such a lifeline at the moment, and I couldn't get it out of my head. "Be still before the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for Him to act." - Psalm 37:7a.
"Be still in the presence of the Lord..."
"But, Lord, You know I'm not very good at that. Besides, there are things I need to get done -- issues to resolve, peace to chase after, decisions to be made."
"...And wait patiently for Him to act."
"You mean YOU'RE gonna take care of all that stuff?"
I think that's what He meant.
Had to investigate more. Had to search out that "how to be still" stuff. Just flat out felt thirsty to understand it because it was so doggone elusive to me!
And what I found was good stuff.
Being still means resting, surrendering, hushing my spirit, and waiting in silent, patient confidence for the Lord to intervene - no anxiety allowed, no grumbling or complaining allowed, no rash doings to "help God along." Now, that one's tough for me!
And waiting? Me, God? Lil' Miss Impatience? Yes. Because that's the time - when I'm still - that He may be planning to accomplish something great in my spirit. That's His opportunity to plant in me the disciplines of gentleness, patience, and forgiveness. That's His opportunity to help me see that my "issues" are probably not as troubling as I've imagined. And that's His opportunity to prompt me to speak to others of His goodness to me as I endure my circumstances.
Can you imagine it? Sitting calm, peaceful, and quiet? And while you sit in the Lord's company, He's quite busy taking care of you. No effort needed on your part. Just be still. Wait. He WILL act.
So the next time your worries, fears, to-do lists, anxieties, and life in general threaten to run off with your spirit, tell that little kid in you, "Be still." And this time, do it. You'll be glad you did!