The Place You Were Meant to Be
An amazing thing happened yesterday. Weighing in at 7 lbs., 5 oz., a world-changer was born! You, Miss Eleanor Rose, made your debut into not only our lives but better still -- our hearts! And your story goes way back. You see, when God was planning out all of time and history, He reserved a special day just for your grand entrance!
He took a good, long look all over the world, and He just knew you needed to a Texan! So He picked the place, and He took a thoughtful pause and decided that it would be best if He started off the day with a serenade of newborn singing so you were born in the morning!
And because God is ever so kind and ever so smart, He looked around at all of the other people that would be in the world, and He placed you into the arms of the best mommy and the best daddy He could create just for you! You see, Ellie Rose, you were the perfect fit for that special place in their hearts that would need a precious baby girl!
He knew you would need a sister to show you the ropes of being funny and playful and snuggly so He gave you Miss Lucy to lead the way. He knew that you two would need someone to share giggles and squeals and secrets and goldfish and hair bows with, and you and Lucy were the perfect fit for each other.
He knew that grandmommies and granddaddies can never get enough of a grandchild's love, and He had in mind just the ones who would adore you and be devoted to you with the very first gaze into your newborn eyes. He knew that those folks with gray strands of hair and hearts of gold would truly love you forever. You were the perfect fit for their grandparent embraces and happy-heart places!
He knew that cousins make the very best of friends, and He knew exactly the ones for you! He smiled a sweet smile at the idea of all of the fun times and grand adventures you and your cousins would enjoy -- for you know, Ellie Rose, that God loves fun! He knew that cousins are good for us all, and He knew that you were the perfect fit for this playful little tribe!
He knew that it's good to have aunts and uncles to love you and to support and encourage and share life with your mommy and daddy, and He was very particular in the ones He chose for you! He wanted good-hearted, loving, kind folks to share happy family times with, and you were the perfect fit for those hand-selected aunties and uncles.
Yes, He chose Texas for you. But other than that, mostly God chose not so much a place in the world for you as a place in the love-beating heart of a family. And after He had decided when and where He would place His beloved Eleanor Rose, He stopped for a moment and adored His little masterpiece. He listened to the robust beating of the tiny heart He had placed into your chest. He tickled your tiny toes and let your tiny fingers wrap around His. He stroked your soft, pink skin and touched with wonder your soft baby-fine hair. And He knew exactly what would happen when you were born yesterday -- we would all fall in love with you. And He was right -- we did!
Eleanor, my sweet grandbaby, you will change the world. There will be no need to impress or be dramatic or loud or flashy. But there will be a need for you to be yourself. Because God has only made one Eleanor, and no one else can be who God has created you to be. You are precious and valued and worthy because the God of everything has taken the time to meticulously fashion you into His child. Before yesterday, there was a void in time, a void in hearts, a void in lives, a void that could only be filled by a sweet baby girl -- and you were the perfect fit! Welcome to the place you were meant to be!
He took a good, long look all over the world, and He just knew you needed to a Texan! So He picked the place, and He took a thoughtful pause and decided that it would be best if He started off the day with a serenade of newborn singing so you were born in the morning!
And because God is ever so kind and ever so smart, He looked around at all of the other people that would be in the world, and He placed you into the arms of the best mommy and the best daddy He could create just for you! You see, Ellie Rose, you were the perfect fit for that special place in their hearts that would need a precious baby girl!
He knew you would need a sister to show you the ropes of being funny and playful and snuggly so He gave you Miss Lucy to lead the way. He knew that you two would need someone to share giggles and squeals and secrets and goldfish and hair bows with, and you and Lucy were the perfect fit for each other.
He knew that grandmommies and granddaddies can never get enough of a grandchild's love, and He had in mind just the ones who would adore you and be devoted to you with the very first gaze into your newborn eyes. He knew that those folks with gray strands of hair and hearts of gold would truly love you forever. You were the perfect fit for their grandparent embraces and happy-heart places!
He knew that cousins make the very best of friends, and He knew exactly the ones for you! He smiled a sweet smile at the idea of all of the fun times and grand adventures you and your cousins would enjoy -- for you know, Ellie Rose, that God loves fun! He knew that cousins are good for us all, and He knew that you were the perfect fit for this playful little tribe!
He knew that it's good to have aunts and uncles to love you and to support and encourage and share life with your mommy and daddy, and He was very particular in the ones He chose for you! He wanted good-hearted, loving, kind folks to share happy family times with, and you were the perfect fit for those hand-selected aunties and uncles.
Yes, He chose Texas for you. But other than that, mostly God chose not so much a place in the world for you as a place in the love-beating heart of a family. And after He had decided when and where He would place His beloved Eleanor Rose, He stopped for a moment and adored His little masterpiece. He listened to the robust beating of the tiny heart He had placed into your chest. He tickled your tiny toes and let your tiny fingers wrap around His. He stroked your soft, pink skin and touched with wonder your soft baby-fine hair. And He knew exactly what would happen when you were born yesterday -- we would all fall in love with you. And He was right -- we did!
Eleanor, my sweet grandbaby, you will change the world. There will be no need to impress or be dramatic or loud or flashy. But there will be a need for you to be yourself. Because God has only made one Eleanor, and no one else can be who God has created you to be. You are precious and valued and worthy because the God of everything has taken the time to meticulously fashion you into His child. Before yesterday, there was a void in time, a void in hearts, a void in lives, a void that could only be filled by a sweet baby girl -- and you were the perfect fit! Welcome to the place you were meant to be!