November Roses

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From Baby Girl to Little Lady -- Everly Turns Two

Dearest Everly,

My goodness! What have you done?! I looked away for only a moment, and when I turned back to you, a blossoming little lady stood in the place of the baby you once were! And what a lovely transformation it's been!

You've gained some mad skills over the past twelve months -- walking, talking, dancing (LOTS of dancing!), dog whispering, and stretching Papa's and my hearts even bigger than we could have ever imagined!

Your sleepovers at Papa's and Milly's house have brought us so much joy! Taking rides on the Laundry Basket Express, sitting in the middle of the floor and having serious secret discussions with Rocco the poodle that only you and he could hear, sharing popsicles with Papa, reading and reading and reading some more, rearranging Milly's kitchen cabinets (they really need it!), and bird-watching out the back window. And when all of the energy of an up-and-coming two-year-old is spent, you snuggle up to one of us with your warm cup of milk, listen to a story with your head on our shoulder, relax into our big hug, and fall fast asleep. (Insert photo of Papa's and Milly's hearts melting...ahhh.)

And another thing we've noticed -- someone is developing quite the personality! You're the little girl who leads the way and isn't particularly interested in holding hands when we obviously don't know where you want to take us! You don't mind striking a downward dog pose just to see how things look from that angle. It's perfectly acceptable to fall asleep with your face in your plate. You've had more phone conversations -- real and pretend -- in your almost-two-years than most adults will have in their entire lives.  You know when it's time for us to "sit down," and you tell us so. These are beautiful, funny, important things that God has given us the privilege of witnessing in your life over the past year.

A few of your favorite things...

Water -- from the kitchen faucet, at the beach in Port A, in the pool, at the water park, in the tub, in fountains wherever you find them. You are a splashin', buried-in-the-sand, bucket-pouring gal who knows only love and not fear of the waves, sprinkles, and splashes!

Accessories -- crowns and tiaras, purses (the more, the merrier), shoes (Mama's, Daddy's, and sometimes even your own!), necklaces, bracelets, hair bows, and Hollywood sunglasses. And there is NEVER a reason to not layer any and all of the above! Several passes over the general area of the mouth with lip balm and a generous dab of invisible blush can only enhance the look. You, my dear, are pure glamour!

Dancing -- in the playroom, at weddings, at Aunt Missy's bachelorette party, in the living room. If there's music, there's movement! Disney songs, classic rock 'n' roll, Tom Petty -- you've got the moves, and you're not afraid to show it! And when you've danced and danced till you can't dance anymore, you simply lie down on the dance floor and take a good long break.

Books -- especially ones with touchy-feely pages and flaps that you can open and words that rhyme and sound silly and pictures that capture. One book is good. Ten books are better. And there's plenty of time to read each one. Twice. Maybe even three times!

Outings -- the zoo, the arboretum, the park, wagon rides, train rides. You are a go-getter, and you love to experience new places and activities!

In fact, one of your outings was to Toys 'R' Us with Papa on a weekday afternoon. You walked around with Papa -- who was fully intending to buy his sweet Everly whatever her heart desired! -- and played with the train display. You sat on a pink bike. You tried on necklaces and flopped down on big pillows and strolled up and down the aisles. Then you took Papa's hand and said, "Go!" You were done, and Papa still had all of his money, and out the door you two went! And that will most likely be the least expensive trip Papa ever takes to Toys 'R' Us!

You are Daddy's girl -- and Mama's girl -- and you make us each think that we're you're favorite! As I scroll through photos of my oldest grandchild, my heart warms with love and delight. I see the big brown eyes of a little girl who meets no stranger, who's generous with hugs and kisses, who has a pretty good idea of how she thinks the world should work, who loves a good push on the swing and a fast ride down a slide, who looks just as beautiful in a diaper as in a flower girl's white gown, who loves making friends and playing with cousins, who fills the hearts of great-grands, grands, aunts, uncles, cousins, and her mommy and daddy with joy and laughter.

It's a bittersweet thing to watch someone you love so dearly change so much! There's a tender sorrow at bidding farewell to a baby girl. But there's a precious anticipation in watching you become this amazing, brave, funny, affectionate, kind little lady! And over all, it's a beautiful gift from God to this Milly's heart to have you in my life! Happy second birthday, Everly!

Loving you always with all of my heart,