Spiritual Groundhog Day?!
I have a serious case of what writer Ann Voskamp describes as "soul amnesia." On any given day, I can spend time in the morning reading about God, His character, and His great love for me. Give me about 30 minutes -- if that long! -- and I'm back to living as though those truths had never been a part of my story. It's discouraging and frustrating. But on the flip side, when I "re-remember"all about Him and His ways, I "re-rejoice" in the gifts that He's given me -- as if learning of them for the first time!
Just recently, I was on my way to a gathering where I've repeatedly allowed myself to feel vulnerable and insecure. I could feel anxiety building and my heart rate picking up. I. Did. Not. Want. To. Go. And then my heart began to "re-remember" my Father's warm words and promises.
"Do you remember Who I am? I am the King of kings. And do you remember who that makes you? Remember, child, YOU are a daughter of the King. There's no need to impress. No need to strive to be better than anyone else. Because you are Mine, you are in a position of honor. And you have access to everything that is Mine -- the endless storehouses of Heaven and earth! You have My protection and My presence. I'll be right beside you. So relax. Breathe easy. Let's go and show them that the deep, rich, wonderful love that I have for you is the same love I have for them! Let's go and bless and serve and listen and pay attention and appreciate! Be My messenger of kindness and grace. You just show up and be available -- and I'll do the heavy lifting!"
Wow! So much peace! That was all I needed! Nothing new for me in any of that -- but oh, how I needed to be reminded!
As a daughter of the King, I'm free to be who I am -- exactly how He created me! I'm free from the insecurities of appearance and comparison. I'm free to live out the personality that He designed me to have. I'm free to walk in the authority and honor of my Royal Father. I'm clothed in dignity and worth because I am His. I'm part of His family.
What I think may be my favorite part of being my Father's daughter is that while I'm highly favored by Him, I serve out of a humble heart knowing that HE chose me to be His child. What a joy to go out and share that not only does God delight in me, He delights in YOU! More than we can possibly imagine, God longs to grow His family one precious soul at a time. He's constantly looking deeply into the eyes of humanity for the next one who will become a citizen of Heaven.
As His child, I have access to all that God owns and all that He is. He's the never-ending supply of all of my needs. So I'm free to give out grace, love, kindness, forgiveness, wisdom -- and never run out! After all, as Watermark Community Church's Jeff Ward mentioned in a recent sermon, I'm "playing with house money!" It all comes from the Father, and I have the privilege -- and duty -- of giving it away lavishly and joyfully!
As the King's daughter, I also have the privilege of acting as His royal ambassador. I have the honor of going out into the world and serving and loving and living out the heart of my good Father. I can work tirelessly because He is the Source of my energy and His Spirit refreshes and replenishes me. I desire to reflect His character and nature so that others are drawn into His grace and love just as I was.
Today, I'm praying that we "re-remember" Whose we are and that our lives reflect well our good King and Father.
"...Our citizenship is in Heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ." -- Philippians 3:20 * "You are all sons of God through faith in Jesus Christ." -- Galatians 3:26 * "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him Who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light." -- 1 Peter 2:9
Just recently, I was on my way to a gathering where I've repeatedly allowed myself to feel vulnerable and insecure. I could feel anxiety building and my heart rate picking up. I. Did. Not. Want. To. Go. And then my heart began to "re-remember" my Father's warm words and promises.
"Do you remember Who I am? I am the King of kings. And do you remember who that makes you? Remember, child, YOU are a daughter of the King. There's no need to impress. No need to strive to be better than anyone else. Because you are Mine, you are in a position of honor. And you have access to everything that is Mine -- the endless storehouses of Heaven and earth! You have My protection and My presence. I'll be right beside you. So relax. Breathe easy. Let's go and show them that the deep, rich, wonderful love that I have for you is the same love I have for them! Let's go and bless and serve and listen and pay attention and appreciate! Be My messenger of kindness and grace. You just show up and be available -- and I'll do the heavy lifting!"
Wow! So much peace! That was all I needed! Nothing new for me in any of that -- but oh, how I needed to be reminded!
As a daughter of the King, I'm free to be who I am -- exactly how He created me! I'm free from the insecurities of appearance and comparison. I'm free to live out the personality that He designed me to have. I'm free to walk in the authority and honor of my Royal Father. I'm clothed in dignity and worth because I am His. I'm part of His family.
What I think may be my favorite part of being my Father's daughter is that while I'm highly favored by Him, I serve out of a humble heart knowing that HE chose me to be His child. What a joy to go out and share that not only does God delight in me, He delights in YOU! More than we can possibly imagine, God longs to grow His family one precious soul at a time. He's constantly looking deeply into the eyes of humanity for the next one who will become a citizen of Heaven.
As His child, I have access to all that God owns and all that He is. He's the never-ending supply of all of my needs. So I'm free to give out grace, love, kindness, forgiveness, wisdom -- and never run out! After all, as Watermark Community Church's Jeff Ward mentioned in a recent sermon, I'm "playing with house money!" It all comes from the Father, and I have the privilege -- and duty -- of giving it away lavishly and joyfully!
As the King's daughter, I also have the privilege of acting as His royal ambassador. I have the honor of going out into the world and serving and loving and living out the heart of my good Father. I can work tirelessly because He is the Source of my energy and His Spirit refreshes and replenishes me. I desire to reflect His character and nature so that others are drawn into His grace and love just as I was.
Today, I'm praying that we "re-remember" Whose we are and that our lives reflect well our good King and Father.
"...Our citizenship is in Heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ." -- Philippians 3:20 * "You are all sons of God through faith in Jesus Christ." -- Galatians 3:26 * "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him Who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light." -- 1 Peter 2:9