November Roses

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Redeeming the Day

There it is -- the date on the calendar that strikes dread in your heart. It's an anniversary -- but not one of joy and celebration. It's the day the divorce became final, and your whole world changed. It's the day you got the diagnosis you never imagined you'd have to deal with. It's the day your precious loved one flew into the arms of Jesus. It's the day your boss called you into his office and told you the company didn't need you anymore. It's the day that would have been your baby's birthday -- except there was a miscarriage. It's the day the accident happened, and you've been caring for a loved one's broken body and mind ever since.

You don't even need to see the calendar. You just know that the month, the day is coming. So many emotions tied to that one number on a piece of paper. So many memories. So many regrets. So many unfulfilled dreams. It's almost paralyzing -- to wake up and live out a "normal" day when your thoughts are screaming,"What happened to me ISN'T normal!"

Confession -- I have a day (okay, more than one) like that, too. It's coming up, and when I think of it, my heart hurts, and sometimes I can hold back the tears. And sometimes I can't. You, too? Some people say that time heals all wounds. I'm not so sure about that. But maybe time does help to fashion a protective scar? I'm going with the fact that it's not just "time." It's God working in HIS perfect time, walking beside us through "the valley of the shadow of death," "collecting all of our tears in His bottle," supplying us with mercies that "are new every morning," equipping us to comfort others "with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by Him."

So here's what I finally realized. The enemy of my soul would like nothing better than to watch me struggle and settle into depression and hopelessness and deep sadness and regret and fear. He relishes the thought of me living in a pit, surrounded by darkness, feeling helpless and alone. And I'm just not cool with that. He's not my master -- Jesus is.

And what Jesus wants for His children is life. Joy. Peace. Hope. Love. Strength. Turns out, "He Who is in me is greater than he who is in the world." And I'm ready for Jesus to take back everything that the enemy has robbed me of through that day on the calendar. So what's my plan?

First, I'm carrying that day to the cross. I'm going to sit at the feet of Jesus and cry like a baby. And mourn. And let what I'm feeling be completely laid out before Him. He already knows how much I'm hurting. I'm just going to be honest and real with Him. Because you know what? "He cares for me."

And when I can't squeeze out one more tear or sob one more breath or scream out one more rant, I'll just rest in Him. My powerful Jesus has the words I need: "Peace; be still."

In that silence, I'll grab hold of the hope that I have in Him. I'll let Him fill me up with HIS strength, HIS power to overcome, HIS desire for my life. And by His power, I'll "resist the devil, and he will flee from me."

I will not -- honestly, cannot -- let the enemy continue to steal my joy. I just can't continue to let him hold power over a "day that the Lord has made" -- for me to "rejoice and be glad in it." I will let Jesus redeem this day. The definition of "redeem" is "to purchase something back that was lost by paying a ransom -- to help to go free." Bring it on, Jesus! Ransom my joy! Ransom my hopes! Ransom my peace! The enemy has held it for far too long!

What might this sweet freedom look like? As that date looms, maybe it's making plans to spend the day doing kind things in memory of someone you loved so much. Maybe it's taking time to sit down and list out all of the things the Lord has taught you in those dark valleys. For you, is it writing a thank-you note to someone who was an encourager who spoke just the words you needed to hear when you were heartbroken and hopeless? Maybe you gather together a few true, good friends and get out and celebrate all of the strengths you didn't even know you had before that day happened. Maybe you focus on the new path God has led you down and the wonderful discoveries He's revealed to you -- things you would have never chosen for yourself but things that have blessed and enriched your life beyond what you could have imagined.

I don't know what you might choose to do to redeem that day. But I know some true things that can help to guide you as you consider your plans. God is a good Father. You can trust His love for you. "His ways are higher than your ways and His thoughts than your thoughts." You can't figure Him out, but you can trust Him. God has set you free -- the door to your jail cell is open -- come on out into the light! Yes, of course -- remember all that He's rescued you from -- but only to remind yourself of His goodness and tender care for your soul. And know this truth in the deepest part of you: "We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."

(Sweet promises and truths from God's Holy Word that were included in this post: Psalm 23:4, Psalm 56:8, Lamentations 3:23, 2 Corinthians 1:4, 1 John 4:4, 1 Peter 5:7,Mark 4:39, James 4:7, Psalm 118:24, Isaiah 55:9, Romans 8:28)