Ellie the Lovebug Turns Two Today!
Dear Eleanor,
Happy second birthday, lovebug! I would have to say that you truly are a "love" bug! What a delight to watch you grow and change and learn and become this precious little girl whose happy smile steals all hearts!
This has been a great year for you and me as we've had the joy of spending more one-on-one time together. On Big Sister's school days, we've been able to get to know each other better. Honestly, I'm not sure who's had more fun -- you or me! And to think that for a while, you thought my name was "Milly Hold You!" Well -- I'm just undone!
So who have you become? Well, you are an animal lover extraordinaire, no doubt. You are the true dog whisperer to your own Beans and Dexter, but I see that you and my Seve have a special bond, too. I must confess -- when the first words out of your mouth are, "Where Seve?" instead of, "Hi, Milly!", I'm a little hurt. But I know that Seve loves you as much as you love him, and that's a pretty sweet deal! And it's not just dogs -- you love "baby animal" everything! Something about baby goats... :)
You are a singer, and that makes my heart happy! There's nothing much more precious than to overhear a tiny voice singing with all of her heart, and you usually have a little sway or wiggle to go along with the tune.
Of course, your favorite musical times are when you're rocking your baby dolls to sleep. You are quite the little mama! Every baby should be loved as you love -- long walks in the stroller, lots of good food and warm milk, being tucked in with soft blankets and a lovey.
You have a unique sense of fashion, and it's as endearing as it is amusing! You are the girl who must have the sparkliest necklace, the clickiest high heels, the gaudiest bracelets (the more, the better), and the dangliest earrings! You must have the brightest lipstick and the glitteriest headband. And you MUST have your pacifier as the cherry on top! At this point, one of your special talents is holding complete and eloquent conversations with that paci in place! How DO you do that?!
You're not necessarily the adventurous type, but you ARE the nurturing type, and I suspect that in the years to come, God will use that sweet personality to bless so many people! In fact, I would say that He's already begun that good work in you! You are a girl who shares everything -- especially your food -- with people and animals alike. (Seve has a pink, chubby tummy because a certain little girl wants to make sure that he doesn't go hungry.) You are the giver of tight hugs, and nothing does a sad heart better than to have sweet Ellie lie her head on your shoulder. Holding hands with you is a gift, and you extend that gift often.
Maybe best of all is your expressive, baby-beautiful-chubby little face that exudes welcome, acceptance, and love. Make no mistake -- when the clouds roll in, it's clear to see in your countenance. But 99.5% of the time, those big brown eyes are full of joy, kindness, and playfulness.
Miss Ellie, you can't know how thankful I am for this past year and for all of the good times you and I have enjoyed together. Happy birthday, little mama! And just remember, any time you want "Milly Hold You," I'll be there!
Always loving you with all of my heart,
Happy second birthday, lovebug! I would have to say that you truly are a "love" bug! What a delight to watch you grow and change and learn and become this precious little girl whose happy smile steals all hearts!
This has been a great year for you and me as we've had the joy of spending more one-on-one time together. On Big Sister's school days, we've been able to get to know each other better. Honestly, I'm not sure who's had more fun -- you or me! And to think that for a while, you thought my name was "Milly Hold You!" Well -- I'm just undone!
So who have you become? Well, you are an animal lover extraordinaire, no doubt. You are the true dog whisperer to your own Beans and Dexter, but I see that you and my Seve have a special bond, too. I must confess -- when the first words out of your mouth are, "Where Seve?" instead of, "Hi, Milly!", I'm a little hurt. But I know that Seve loves you as much as you love him, and that's a pretty sweet deal! And it's not just dogs -- you love "baby animal" everything! Something about baby goats... :)
You are a singer, and that makes my heart happy! There's nothing much more precious than to overhear a tiny voice singing with all of her heart, and you usually have a little sway or wiggle to go along with the tune.
Of course, your favorite musical times are when you're rocking your baby dolls to sleep. You are quite the little mama! Every baby should be loved as you love -- long walks in the stroller, lots of good food and warm milk, being tucked in with soft blankets and a lovey.
You have a unique sense of fashion, and it's as endearing as it is amusing! You are the girl who must have the sparkliest necklace, the clickiest high heels, the gaudiest bracelets (the more, the better), and the dangliest earrings! You must have the brightest lipstick and the glitteriest headband. And you MUST have your pacifier as the cherry on top! At this point, one of your special talents is holding complete and eloquent conversations with that paci in place! How DO you do that?!
You're not necessarily the adventurous type, but you ARE the nurturing type, and I suspect that in the years to come, God will use that sweet personality to bless so many people! In fact, I would say that He's already begun that good work in you! You are a girl who shares everything -- especially your food -- with people and animals alike. (Seve has a pink, chubby tummy because a certain little girl wants to make sure that he doesn't go hungry.) You are the giver of tight hugs, and nothing does a sad heart better than to have sweet Ellie lie her head on your shoulder. Holding hands with you is a gift, and you extend that gift often.
Maybe best of all is your expressive, baby-beautiful-chubby little face that exudes welcome, acceptance, and love. Make no mistake -- when the clouds roll in, it's clear to see in your countenance. But 99.5% of the time, those big brown eyes are full of joy, kindness, and playfulness.
Miss Ellie, you can't know how thankful I am for this past year and for all of the good times you and I have enjoyed together. Happy birthday, little mama! And just remember, any time you want "Milly Hold You," I'll be there!
Always loving you with all of my heart,