November Roses

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There IS a Doctor in the House! Lucy Turns Four

Dear Lucy,

It's still soaking in that our little LuLu is four years old! It seems not so long ago that Papa and I were holding your tiny little self in baby blankets and winter sleepers! And now...not a trace of baby left in you! But that's okay. It's so much fun just watching you become who God made you to be!

Being outside in His big, beautiful world is probably at the top of your list of favorite things to do. Parks are the ultimate -- a girl's gotta climb, after all. And if you could fly right out of a swing, I believe you would. No one seems to be able to push you high enough! You love anything with wheels -- your scooter, your tricycle, your bike. The point is to GO! Trips to the beach seem to take you to your happy place. Building sand sculptures and playing in the shallow waves are great! But if you can't make it to the coast, the backyard will do just fine. Playing in the water -- hose, wading pool, water table -- gives you a taste of the beach life at home. And this year, you got your first taste of splashing in rain puddles!

Of course, you have to fuel all that activity, and food is your friend! There aren't too many foods that you don't like or at least aren't brave enough to try. Cookies are good. Ice cream is better. And DONUTS are the BEST! But you also like cucumbers, pears, and cheese. :)

Your imagination is vivid, and you love to read and be read to! You're serious about playing dress-up -- with high heels, lots of necklaces and bracelets, and the occasional hat. You wear this fancy get-up to imaginary "dance parties," hotels, and shopping destinations. It helps to wear lipstick and nail polish. In your world of make-believe, you're the most attentive little mommy. It MUST be dark at nap time, and no one is allowed to speak. Your babies must be well covered and tucked in properly. Your latest and most passionate role is as a doctor, and if anyone asks you what you aspire to be, there's no hesitation in your response -- "A baby doctor." You properly don a surgical cap and mask and thoroughly treat and apply band-aids to Elmo, Snoopy, and the baby dolls who seek out your medical care. Oh, yes -- and everyone gets a shot!

While you are adventurous, you also have a cautious side -- a part of you that's very introspective and that studies people and situations. You want to understand things. "Why?" is your favorite question because you NEED to know! You're tender-hearted and quick to repent when you realize you've done something you shouldn't have. You ask for a Bible story, and the instant I finish the story, you ask for another one. And oh, my goodness! You are so giving! You're the little one who rings my doorbell and brings me flowers. You're the one who built a birdhouse for me to hang in the tree in the backyard. You're the one who helped Mommy make a flowerpot with your and Ellie's handprints on it, just for me for Mother's Day.

You play hard, you think hard, you love hard...and then you sleep hard. Your passion for life inspires me, and I thank God for the gift of you. Happy birthday, Dr. Lucy.

Always loving you with all of my heart,