A Blessing in Blue
Dear, sweet Jackson,
What a fun surprise to look out at the horizon and discover a blessing in blue amid a sea of pink! From the moment those confetti cannons shot out squares of paper that matched the sky, we've been waiting to meet you -- our grandson! Papa has been dreaming of wooden blocks and toy tractors, baseball and superhero capes. I've been dreaming of sticky little hugs and kisses, hide and seek, and messy little boy haircuts. :)
But all of those things can wait.
The Beatles sang, "All you need is love," and I'd say you've got that covered! But apparently, you also need feedings and diaper changes and swaddling or there will be consequences. Sleep is a beautiful thing, and you do so on your own terms (God bless Mommy). Oh. And did I mention that you're a huge source of entertainment/curiosity/adoration for your two big sisters? It's true. Who knew two little girls could muster up so many words?! But they can! And they have!
And then there are your mommy and daddy -- joyfully anxious to begin the adventure of parenting a son (and just a little exhausted at parenting a son with two other preschoolers on the loose). You are here -- and now it's a party of five! You join this sweet family as a welcomed, loved, cherished child who has already nestled himself into their hearts.
And Papa's heart. And mine. And Grandpa's and Nina's and Lito's. You see, Jackson -- you're not just a baby boy (although that's pretty special). You are a gift fresh from the hands of God to this big ol' world. God imagined you in His mind's eye long before you took your first breath. He planted in you talents and personality and deep thoughts and happy laughter and big plans. And He placed you in the garden of this family and gave us all the charge to tend to you, to nurture you, and to marvel at the way He created you. You, little man, will grow to learn and love and lead in God's big ol' world, and we will all be here to cheer you on!
Welcome, Jackson Taylor Vick! I am...
Always loving you with all of my heart,
What a fun surprise to look out at the horizon and discover a blessing in blue amid a sea of pink! From the moment those confetti cannons shot out squares of paper that matched the sky, we've been waiting to meet you -- our grandson! Papa has been dreaming of wooden blocks and toy tractors, baseball and superhero capes. I've been dreaming of sticky little hugs and kisses, hide and seek, and messy little boy haircuts. :)
But all of those things can wait.
The Beatles sang, "All you need is love," and I'd say you've got that covered! But apparently, you also need feedings and diaper changes and swaddling or there will be consequences. Sleep is a beautiful thing, and you do so on your own terms (God bless Mommy). Oh. And did I mention that you're a huge source of entertainment/curiosity/adoration for your two big sisters? It's true. Who knew two little girls could muster up so many words?! But they can! And they have!
And then there are your mommy and daddy -- joyfully anxious to begin the adventure of parenting a son (and just a little exhausted at parenting a son with two other preschoolers on the loose). You are here -- and now it's a party of five! You join this sweet family as a welcomed, loved, cherished child who has already nestled himself into their hearts.
And Papa's heart. And mine. And Grandpa's and Nina's and Lito's. You see, Jackson -- you're not just a baby boy (although that's pretty special). You are a gift fresh from the hands of God to this big ol' world. God imagined you in His mind's eye long before you took your first breath. He planted in you talents and personality and deep thoughts and happy laughter and big plans. And He placed you in the garden of this family and gave us all the charge to tend to you, to nurture you, and to marvel at the way He created you. You, little man, will grow to learn and love and lead in God's big ol' world, and we will all be here to cheer you on!
Welcome, Jackson Taylor Vick! I am...
Always loving you with all of my heart,