Zany Janie is Four Today!
Dear Janie,
It's your birthday! What a year it's been - and what a ray of sunshine you've been through it all! A mask can never hide the joy and laughter in your eyes, and I'm so proud of how you've "rolled with the punches" over the last 365 days!
What does a four-year-old girl like to do? Well, if you're Janie Vick, you like to dance - ballet dance, crazy dance, "pick me up and swing me around" dance! You just want to move to the music!
You're independent and want to do everything yourself. The crazy thing is that, as tiny as you are, you usually manage to get the job done. You look like an overburdened turtle when you walk out of preschool with that giant backpack, but an offer to help is strongly refused. Your biggest meltdown at our house this year was when I peeled your banana for you. I will never do that again. I promise.
As independent as you are, you're also a very social girl. Of course, your #1 partner in crime is big sister Everly. When you're not "sister fussing" with each other, you're deep into some make-believe play project with quiet conversations and conspiratorial plans being made. Deep into a sibling conflict, Mom can ask you two for a photo, and you embrace, smile enchantingly, and get right back into your dispute! Sisters!
You're sweet and welcoming to new friends and classmates. In fact, you've caught the eye and heart of a little fella named Alexander - your "honey bunny." Oh. My. Goodness. And you have a cute little gaggle of girlfriends that play and imagine right along with you. I don't think you'll ever be lonely. :)
You're funny and delightful! You still love your "laylies" (not sure how to spell that) - your bundle of special, well-loved blankets that comfort, soothe, and help you fall asleep. You love to dress up in princess gowns - and you're also pretty comfortable just walking around in your birthday suit! You still run and take a flying leap into my (sometimes unexpecting) arms! I'm glad that so far, I'm still able to catch you! You're tender and loving to your great-grandmother Nana, lavishing her with little hugs and kisses.
I love that you still carry the magic of pure emotion in your heart and on your face - distraught over a peeled banana, delighted at the beauty of a flowering weed, infuriated over a plan derailed, overjoyed when seeing a familiar face, over-the-top zany - just because you want to be!
I love that for the last four years, the Lord has graciously given me a front row seat to one of the sweetest shows I could ever dream of - watching a little girl grow up. I love you, Jaybird! Happy birthday!
Always loving you with all of my heart,