November Roses

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Jackson Is "Two" Much Fun!

Dear Jackson,

Happy second birthday to my one and only GRANDson! Times with my Jack-Jack just get grander as each day passes! Hard to believe that it's been over two years since the confetti cannon erupted with a shower of blue surprise!

As I write this, the girl cousins and your sisters are settling into their routines of preschool, school, dance, soccer, and a host of other activities. That gives YOU the opportunity to just be thoroughly Jack. :) And you're really good at it! You're an easy-going dude with an old man's saunter, a healthy curiosity, and (fortunately for you!) an appetite for plot twists!

What I selfishly enjoy about this season in your life is that I'm finally getting a little one-on-one "Jack and Milly" time. The days fly by - putzing around in the backyard, racing cars down the hallway, reading our way through stacks of books, supervising lunch prep, and just being my little buddy.

You love your dog Maggie. You love the water dispenser on my fridge. You love your sisters, dad, and mom. You love leaving the back door wide open. AND you love bedtime! Your heart is sweet, and your smile is big. You say, "Here ya go!" a LOT as you willingly share snacks - and the occasional toy. Your people adore you, and you roll with the tide in a sea of pink - sisters, cousins, and even the dog.

There have been some fun "firsts" for you this year - a trip to the beach, library story hour, and sitting in the big boy barber's chair for your first haircut. I suspect the days ahead will hold even more adventures and fun for you! Thanks for being my pal, Jackadoodle. I know the Lord has great things in store for you, and I'm delighted to be along for the ride! Happy, happy birthday!

Always loving you with all of my heart,
