Wonder Ellie Bursts Into a New Year!
Dear Eleanor,
BOOM! Just like that, you're five years old! How in the world?! In typical dramatic Ellie style, it's all come about with a little glitter, a lot of sparkle, and a dash of rainbow confetti. How could it could be any other way?!
So what is five-year-old Ellie like? For starters, you're the queen of imagination! You live in a world of unicorns, fairies, and superheroes. You can take a box of just about anything and turn it into a magical kingdom full of princesses, villains, and heroes. Your wardrobe is a collection of dresses adorned with sequined animals from the land of make-believe, broad sweeps of bright colors, and layers of tulle for a touch of girly sass. At the drop of a hat, every outfit can be transformed into a costume for your next adventure!
Books and fairy tales fuel your love of all things pretend. Trips to the library are a big hit with you! In fact, while Mom was homeschooling Lucy for COVID kinder, it's pretty apparent that even though you insisted on NOT participating (even just for fun), you actually picked up on quite a lot! You love to hole up in a room with a stack of books, and even if you can't read, you come up with fascinating and entertaining stories to match the pictures.
You love being a sister - little to Lu, big to Jack-Jack. Your tender heart has barely recovered from being almost broken in two when Lucy left you behind to head off to first grade, but you've quickly adapted to become Jack's best homebuddy. Now, Jack (for better or worse) has been sucked into The Land of Ellie's Grand Ideas! Fortunately for you, he's pretty cool with being dressed up for whatever role you have for him. Lucy is still a good playmate, but while she's trying to fall asleep at night in her bunk, Wonder Ellie is still up flying unicorns and fairies all over the place.
Your very own grandmother is calling you a drama queen, but I promise - I mean it in the sweetest way! You like DRAMA! That's usually along the lines of pretending and dancing and singing and performing and being super expressive. You have big emotions - big feels - big smiles and wide open eyes. There's definitely no poker face in your wardrobe! You have a big laugh, a soft heart, and a sensitive spirit.
You're a girly girl, a lovable lefty, and a sparkly sprite! A flutter of those long eyelashes and a flash of that sweetheart smile - and the world is yours for the taking. I can't help but wonder and pray about what the future holds for you, but the Lord knows - "plans to prosper you." Just a hint, Ellie - daughters of the King truly are princesses. <3
Always loving you with all of my heart,