November Roses

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A Birthday on Jaybird Street

Dear Janie,

Wow! The youngest of the grandgirls just knocked out Birthday #5! HBD to you, Jaybird!

What a crazy fun year it's been! You've been busy with some old favorites, AND you've been expanding your horizons a bit. It's been a real joy for Papa and me to watch you learn and grow. Our tiny dancer has been transformed into a tiny dynamo on the soccer field! The trade has been made - ballet slippers for cleats! The Pink Ponies are a formidable team when Janie Vick rolls onto the field. Still, high pitched, little girl squeals ALWAYS accompany goals!

Mac and cheese still rules the day as your cuisine of choice. You still love anything and everything art, baby dolls, and princesses. You enjoy a good book, but the play centers and computers are really more your preferences at the library.

There's a beach bum hidden in your soul, and it's been fun to see you happiest when you're near sand and surf. It seems that your dream wardrobe would be full of adorable swimsuits, colorful flip-flops, and dramatic sunglasses (with a lot of princess costumes tucked in just for variety). The beach is definitely your happy place!

Your sister is still your bestie - and occasionally your "worstie." (Isn't that how it is with sisters sometimes?) You two play for hours, with your imaginations going into overdrive. Regardless of the theme of your playtime, you and Everly always manage to work animals into the storyline. This year, you finally got to go to the same school as big sister! On the days when I pick you up, my heart cracks just a little bit - you look too little to be in such a "big girl" uniform. Yet, I see the "big girl" you're becoming, and I'm so proud of and excited for you!

This year, I "helped" you discover Jackson 5's "Rockin' Robin!" We've listened to, danced to, and watched the grainy music video a few (hundred) times! If we don't know the words to any other line in the song, we do still manage to shout at the top of our lungs:

"All the little birdies on Jaybird Street 

Love to hear the robin go tweet, tweet, tweet!"

Thanks for a super fun year, little Birdie! You make my heart smile, and I know God has big plans for your big personality!

Always loving you with all of my heart,
