Hey, Jack - Three Years Old? You Got It!
Dear Jackson,
Well, little dude here we are. I blinked, and you're three years old. Even though you're the youngest of the grandkiddos, you're definitely not the baby of the bunch! No, sir - you're as independent as they come. "I got it" - that's your newest and most often used sentence. You don't want help. You don't need help. Until you DO want help or you DO need help. And then we'd better come running!
Yes, you're wildly independent, but you're also a lovable goofball. You keep us all in stitches with your funny faces and silly expressions. You let your sisters dress you up in every imaginable costume and gladly play whatever role in whatever game they come up with. You're a hoot, kid! That's all there is to it!
You love trains, Hot Wheels, and pulling out ALL of the Play Doh and ALL of the Play Doh supplies so that after five minutes, you can say, "I'm done." You love to go. You love to build - with Legos, boxes, and whatever is at hand. You love lollipops. You love making chocolate milk "by yourself" (stirring heaping tablespoons of Nestle's Quik into the milk). You love your tribe. And you love explaining things with every other word being "because" - leading to the world's longest run-on sentences.
When Lucy left for first grade last year, you sweetly stepped up to be Ellie's best buddy when she missed her sister. And when Lu AND Ellie went to "big school" this year, you couldn't wait to strap on your own backpack and jump in at Rainbow Corner a couple of weeks later. In fact, maybe you were a little TOO excited. (Pro tip for next year, Jack - ALWAYS give your mama a kiss and say "good-bye" when she drops you off for the first day.)
You're very interested in how things work. We've talked about the dishwasher and the disposal so many times, I'm pretty sure YOU can tell ME how it all works now! You're into making things and imagining and all the "things threes do."
But you are NOT ordinary. You are Jackadoodle - a sweet gift from God to this Milly who was once upon a long time ago a boy mom. Thank you for helping me to remember the joy of little boyhood. It's been a while, but when I'm with you, it all comes back to me. Happy birthday, Doodle.
Always loving you with all of my heart,