November Roses

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A Great Day to Celebrate Being Eight!

Dear Everly,

It's a chilly, rainy day outside, but my heart is warm just thinking about how you've grown and all that you've experienced this past year. Hard to believe that I've been a Milly for eight years now! And all because of YOU! Happy, happy birthday!

When you were the "Star Student" for your second grade class, each of your friends had something kind to say about you. And I would agree with every one of them! But when it was my turn, I said, "Everly is funny!" I hope you took that as a compliment! You ARE sweet and thoughtful and helpful, BUT you always make me laugh! I have so much fun with you, and I'm so glad that there's one more little person out there who can give the world a giggle every now and then. We need LOTS more of that! Thank you for making me smile.

You're a big blessing to all of your family members, starting with Jaybird. Two peas in a pod - always entertaining each other and finding new ways of doing old things. You can take a bunch of boxes, a couple of baby dolls, and some stuffed animals - and the next thing you know, there's a school, a farm, a restaurant, and all kinds of interesting, faraway places to visit. More than just a playmate, you're a good example to Janie. I see her watching you and learning from you, and I know you try hard to teach her what's right and good. So proud of you.

You're patient and gentle with your little cousins, playing with them and - of course - making THEM laugh, too! You're also extremely thoughtful, kind, and caring toward your grandparents and great-grandparents. I'm not the only one who looks forward to your big hugs and bright smiles!

You enjoy family trips, especially if beach time is involved! Surfing, building sandcastles, eating hot dogs, and hunting for crabs (these are the things you told me you love about the beach) are the things that memories are made of. Mom and Dad enjoy doing things with you and creating experiences for you that will strengthen family ties and help you to enjoy this big world. You are one blessed girl!

I have my own fun memories of times with you this year - Grandparents' Day at TCA, cousin days with your Frisco cousins, indoor camping, sleepovers, trips to Play Street Museum, craft days, our shopping day before school started, and every Wednesday afternoon. I like going to the library with you, stopping by the froyo shop after school, and watching you play sports. Spending time with you is one of my favorite things to do!

Special things about you - animal lover (especially your puppy Waylon), bird watcher, big fan of all kinds of bugs, soccer and softball player, passionate devotee of chocolate lasagne. Even more special - lover of God, His Word, and all the people He's created. I'm thankful that He let me be your grandma. And I'm REALLY thankful today that I've gotten to be your Milly for the last eight years. Every day has been a gift. Happy birthday, E!

Always loving you with all of my heart,
