Citizen of a New Kingdom
In a constitutional republic where we in the USA live, little thought is given to the concept of royalty. Many on this side of the pond find themselves intrigued by the celebrity and ceremony of modern day players in real life monarchies, but that’s a very different way of life for us to imagine.
Regardless of the leadership structure of a country, one thing is certain. Where there are kings and rulers, there are subjects.
In Mark 5, we find a woman who has been “ruled” by a bleeding disorder for twelve years. Everything about her life has been defined by her illness. Due to the customs of the day, she’s been forced to isolate from others. She’s been ostracized by her family, people who were once her close friends, and the community at large. She’s spent every last penny seeking treatment, and every hope of ever being healed has been dashed.
Put yourself in her shoes for a minute. She’s ashamed. She’s endured years of loneliness. She’s homeless, save for the pitiful structure a single, ailing woman can pitch on the far outskirts of town. She’s heartbroken by the ill treatment of those who should love and support her. She’s weak from loss of blood, loss of connection, loss of resources, and loss of hope.
But she’s heard rumors.
Jesus is to pass by soon. His reputation for miracles – and for perhaps what she needs most, compassion – has preceded Him. Demons are driven out of tortured souls. Nature’s storms and the waves of the sea obey Him. He’s been known to restore life to the dead. And He’s healed people afflicted by paralysis, leprosy, shriveled limbs, and a host of other maladies.
This desperate woman, “subject” to the rule of bleeding for twelve years, determines that this Healer is her only hope.
Twelve years of shame and humiliation have beaten her down. She knows that approaching Jesus and revealing her plight to Him openly is an impossibility. Shouts of “Unclean!” will surely give her away as people scramble to distance themselves from her. She lingers on the fringe as the crowd presses in. The Healer is on His way to touch another on this day, and her heart sinks as she comes to grips with the fact that she is not the one.
But in a sudden burst of faith and impulsivity, she darts into the crowd, indifferent to the reaction of the throng around Jesus. She pushes her way in, grasping, reaching, low to the ground. Her fingers stretch to touch the very edge of His cloak.
The flow ceases.
The Healer immediately stops. He realizes that healing power has gone out from Him and inquires, “Who touched My clothes?” His disciples scoff. The crowd is thick. It could’ve been any one of dozens of people. But Jesus searches.
As the realization of her healing dawns on the woman, she falls at His feet, tells Him the truth of her situation, and informs Him of what’s just happened to her.
Are you still in her shoes? Can you even begin to imagine what happens next? Jesus – ever kind, ever merciful, ever compassionate – transfers her from being “subject” to the rule of blood to being a part of His kingdom of light with these words: “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” (Mark 5:34)
Brother, sister – where are you subject to shame, loneliness, spiritual poverty, betrayal or weakness? Are you hemorrhaging hope?
Good news, beloved. I’ve heard rumors. And the rumors are true.
There’s a Healer in town, and He’s calling you to be His subject. Royal status awaits those who are desperate enough to turn to Jesus for healing from the deadly disease of sin. He stands ready to transfer you from “the dominion of darkness” into His beautiful kingdom of light. (Colossians 1:13b)
May His blessing be yours: “Son, daughter - your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”
(You can read the full account of this story in Mark 5:21-34.)