November Roses

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“God With Us” - Yes, Indeed

Theme words – some people love ’em, some people not so much. If you’re a “not so much,” you can move on to something else now. I won’t waste your time. If you love ’em, stick around.😊If you’re on the fence or curious, I’ll fill you in on why I choose a theme word each year, how I go about it, and what difference it makes to me. You can decide from there what you want to do with the info.

The way a theme word works in my life is that I begin to pray in early to mid-December about an attribute of God or a spiritual discipline where the Holy Spirit reveals to me that I’m lacking understanding or needing improvement. I ask the Lord to help me to keep my eyes open for opportunities to know Him better and to grow in my faith.

I also keep this in mind as I study the Word each day. Most often, I’ve encountered a verse that has stood out in my mind, and this has helped me with my decision. Honestly, there are always so many “words” I could land on, but as the end of December draws near, I end up narrowing it down to a few, then a couple, then the one.

2024’s “word” was “with.” After walking through the Advent season, the name Immanuel (which means “God with us”) kept ringing in my mind. I asked the Lord to help me to remember that He was indeed with me in everything I was about to experience, and I asked Him to help me – a serious introvert – to seek out, enjoy, and appreciate the time I spent with people of all ages, stages, and backgrounds.

Ever faithful, He repeatedly brought to mind my theme word in 2024.

My boyfriend (AKA husband) and I were intentional to invite couples over for simple dinners and meaningful conversations. We hosted couples in all stages – from engaged to newlywed to veteran – and we learned so much! What a gift each get-together was to us – proof that these old dogs could learn some new tricks just by being with people in different life stages.

We made new memories with our community group, celebrating a wedding, dressing up like hippies and running a “Build Your Own Pet Rock” station for our church’s annual Trunk or Treat, and pursuing each other relationally as we all spurred each other on to become more like Jesus. The bonds among our group grew deeper and stronger in our time with each other.

Of course, we poured into our grandkids with brief road trips, attending all kinds of extracurricular activities, Milly Day Camp, birthday celebrations, and too many card games to count! We did our best to feed their little hearts Scripture and a growing love for Jesus. Being with those little loves was a highlight every single time!

And the friends. Where would I be without them? The phone calls, the long lunches, the SOS prayer request texts, the laughs, the thoughtfulness, the faithfulness, the prayers. Time with my sisters saved my sanity more than a few times and sent me running to my Savior - exactly where I needed to be.

Special moments of experiencing “with” came in every conversation, meal, and date with my sweetheart. It came when I held the hand of an elderly mentor before she passed away. It came when I gazed into the eyes of a baby girl long prayed for by her parents and an army of prayer warriors. It came when things were hard, tears flowed freely, and the ache was relentless. Because being with a hurting soul to comfort, hold, and pray for was an ugly-beautiful privilege that I was honored to steward.

Most importantly, early every morning, Immanuel was faithful to meet me in the quiet – in His Word, as I prayed, as I recorded a few of the blessings He’d so graciously given me in the past 24 hours. Those hours with the Lord transformed my heart, my mind, and my mission – for my good and for His glory.

God is with us. I’m so grateful for His presence and guidance and the focus He gave me in 2024 to really pay attention to His activity in my life, the people around me, and the world that He made. It’s all part of His beautiful plan, and I’m a witness to that.

Next week, I’ll share with you what my theme word is for the New Year and how I landed there. Until then, may God’s mercies cover, comfort, and encourage you. He is with you.

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” – Isaiah 41:10