Power of the Spoken Word
I’ve written about the passing of my dear friend Mary Jo previously, but I find myself often going back in my mind to our last afternoon together. There are some bonds so special that even death can’t break them, and the one between Mary Jo and me was (and is) eternal because it’s based on our mutual love for the King of eternity and His beautiful Word.
My sweet friend lay unconscious in a hospital bed. I had come to relieve her family members for a few hours, and I brought along my Bible. That day, I opened the Word to the Psalms and began to read to my resting friend. I read each Psalm in prayer form, pausing every couple of Psalms to hold her soft hand and to remind her of all of the truths about the Lord, His ways, and His love that we’d just read. Then I would pick up the Bible and read a couple more.
God is everywhere, all the time. He hears every prayer, and He knows every situation.
As I entreated Him through the Psalms on behalf of Mary Jo, sweet peace filled the room. There was no visible bright light or audible flutter of angels’ wings, but there was also no doubt – God’s Spirit was with us as the Word was read out loud.
Justin Peters famously said, “If you want to hear God speak, read your Bible. If you want to hear God speak audibly, read your Bible out loud.” Although her mind was resting, Mary Jo and I heard God’s voice that day as I read to her.
The reason that time with my friend was so powerful was because God’s Word is truth. Those Psalms held reminders of God’s promises and descriptions of His character. They spoke of the refuge He offers and the peace He gives. They described God’s life-giving laws and where to find the path to wisdom. They offered God’s comfort, rest, and protection. Perhaps best of all, they prompted us to find our joy – not in the state of our health, the size of our bank accounts or the number of “likes” on our social media pages – but in His great love!
Reading God’s truth lets the words soak into our bones, but speaking it is an instrument that He uses in this world for His mission to go forward. In Isaiah 55:11, He says, “…So is My Word that goes out from My mouth: It will not return to Me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Paul says in Romans 10:17 that God uses the spoken Word to bring others to faith in Jesus: “…Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the Word of Christ.” God uses you speaking His Word to do His will and His saving work!
The author of Hebrews says in verse 4:12 that “the Word of God is living and active…” You’ve been given a powerful and beautiful tool in the gift of God’s Word and a wonderful opportunity to wield it for blessing when you speak it.
My sweet friend was in her last days, and there’s not a more fitting way that I could’ve chosen to spend our time together than to read God’s Word and to imagine the beautiful home and the waiting arms of her Father into which she’d soon be received. Every promise He made in those Psalms – and throughout His Word - came true for her the day He carried her into heaven.
His promises are for all who believe. Are you looking forward to their fulfillment in your own story?