November Roses

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Tear Open That Roof!

For the second year in a row, the Boyfriend (AKA my husband) and I took the five grandkids to a nice cabin in Oklahoma for a long weekend. We enjoyed a pretty relaxed schedule, but there were some “must do’s” on the kids’ list so we “did” them. 😊

First on the list was to stop at a convenience store in a town midway between home and the cabin, where they shopped for their choice of candy and sodas. Other activities on the list were a campfire and s’mores, lots of hiking, goofing off in the hot tub in 24-degree weather, movie night, a spa bath for the girls, and video games with Papa for Jack.

After every meal, we took turns sharing a Bible story and asking three questions of the rest of us. The kids prepped their stories a couple of weeks ahead of the trip, and everyone participated – even the five-year-old. They did an impressive job (says the impartial grandmother)!

One of the older girls asked me for help in choosing a story. Good friends/not-so-good friends had been a theme in her life recently so we searched for a story that might contain lessons about friendships. She landed on the story of the paralyzed man and his four friends (found in Mark 2:1-12 and Luke 5:17-26).

This man had four friends who had heard that Jesus could heal people so they carried him on a mat to Capernaum to get an audience with Jesus. A crowd had filled the house where He was preaching so the men were unable to carry their friend inside. Undeterred, they went up to the roof, dug a hole, and lowered their friend on his mat so that he was placed in front of Jesus. Luke 2:20 says, “When Jesus saw their faith, He said, ‘Friend, your sins are forgiven.’” This statement led to a confrontation with the religious leaders because God alone can forgive sins, and Jesus had basically just claimed to be God. He proved to them that His statement was true when He then said to the man, “I tell you, get up, take your mat, and go home.” (Luke 2:24b) And the man did so, praising God all the way home!

My precious granddaughter and I talked about the importance of friendships – of being a good friend and of seeking out good friends. We talked about what a “good friend” looks like. From this story in the Bible, she saw that having friends who trust Jesus and have faith in Him impacts her own life.

When she’s down or hurting, it’s important to have someone in her corner who will love her like Jesus and have the faith to pray to Him on her behalf. That’s a good model for her as she strives to be a good friend to others as well. She may not be able to change the situation of a hurting friend, but she can pray to Jesus – the One Who can change things.

In the last few days, I’ve thought a lot about that story and that conversation with my grandgirl. I have a lot of friends who could use someone to tear open the roof on their behalf, and I’ve pledged myself to do that.

I have a friend whose grown daughter – a single mom with kids at home – is battling the demons of alcoholism. I can’t win that battle for her, but in prayer, I’ll tear a hole in the roof to bring her before Jesus – the One Who breaks chains.

I have a friend who’s mourning the sudden, unexpected loss of her beloved mom. I can’t make that awful ache melt away, but in prayer, I’ll tear a hole in the roof to bring her before Jesus – the One Who comforts.

I have too many friends (one is too many) suffering from cancer – from early to end stages. I can’t heal them, but in prayer, I’ll tear a hole in the roof to bring them before Jesus – the One Who restores to wholeness.

I have a friend who after years of singleness longs to be married and to share her life with a godly man. I can’t ease her pain, but in prayer, I’ll tear a hole in the roof to bring her before Jesus – the One Who loves her sacrificially and is the Lover of her soul.

I have a friend whose marriage is riddled with insecurity and unforgiveness. I can’t bring her the peace and joy that she longs for, but in prayer, I’ll tear a hole in the roof to bring her before Jesus – the One Who is her Peace and the Wellspring of Joy.

I can’t fix anything. But I promise you, friend, that in prayer, I’ll tear a hole in the roof to bring you before Jesus – the One Who is able. May God grant you many good, faith-filled friends who are compelled by the love of Jesus to do whatever it takes to get you in front of Him.