November Roses

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Missing My Favorite Cowboy

On February 11, 2015, the cowboy rode away. My dad, who for most of his years was dressed in cowboy boots, Wrangler jeans, and a cowboy hat, went to be with Jesus. To this day, I can still hear his voice and see the mischievous sparkle in his blue eyes. I’ve said many times to many people on many occasions that my dad wasn’t perfect. But he was the perfect dad for me. After ten years, this daddy’s girl still sheds tears just wishing I could be wrapped up in his big bear hug one more time. One day, I will be again.

He had the opportunity to go to a spiritual retreat back in 2002, and this is the letter I wrote to him…

Dear Dad,

I hope this weekend has been great for you and that you’ve come to see just how precious you are to God. He sure does love you!

I know that you, Jeff, and Dusty have always thought that I was a little bit (or a whole lot!) of a Jesus freak. All I can say is, “It’s all your fault!” Because of your example, I think I knew for my whole life what the Heavenly Father’s love must be like.

               You loved me unconditionally – just like God.

               You were kind and sweet to me – just like God.

               You treasured me and made me know that I was special to you – just like God.

               You were fun to be with – just like God.

               You disciplined me because you loved me – just like God.

               You were a good listener, and you gave me wise advice – just like God.

               You were always ready to lend a helping hand – just like God.

               And just like God, you sacrificed things that were important to you to show your love for me.

So when I started to pull together Who God is and why I needed Him in my life, it was easy.

Lots of my friends say they have a hard time accepting God’s love for them because their own dads were abusive or distant or critical or even absent. Not me. I recognized God’s love right away because my dad had been sharing it with me since the day I was born.

I’m crazy about God because I was first crazy about you!!! I can never thank you enough for paving my way into the Kingdom of Heaven!

Thank you for making my life secure, fun, and full of good memories. I’m rich in a way that few people are because of the treasures you’ve placed in my heart. A few I especially remember – sitting in your lap and pretending to steer the car as we drove down the highway; almost hitting the stone wall a the entrance to the park when you finally let me drive for real!; country music; vacations to Colorado and Nebraska; riding along in the truck when you ran errands; “affording” things for me that we couldn’t afford; that darn flashing porch light; my senior ring – and that empty box!; the way you’ve accepted Scott like a son; pick-up’s; driving all the way to Lubbock just for the day to watch a soccer game or a pinewood derby race; your phone calls full of encouragement and sympathy.

For a lot of years, you pulled double duty as the mom and the dad. Now you’re still the dad, but you’re also pulling double duty as one of my best friends. I love you, Dad, and God couldn’t have chosen any other man to be as perfect a father as you’ve been – and will always be.

Love, Tiffany