November Roses

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The Gifts of Luke 2:11

Merry Christmas, dear friends! I hope your homes and hearts are full of celebration and gratitude for the gifts found in Luke 2:11. Open them with me.

“For unto you…” – for you! Jesus came for you! For the world? Yes, but Jesus made it personal. Immanuel is “God with you!

“Is born…” – He left there to come here as a man, God wrapped in flesh, compelled by love, prepared to one day give Himself away to ransom us from the power of sin and death.

“Today…” – the waiting is over! The wall of prophecy promises foretelling the coming of the Messiah begins to crack and crumble in the face of fulfilled reality!

“In the city of David…” – hundreds of years of prophecy come true with the birth of this baby in this city! God’s Word then and now is proven reliable, real, and right – a stake in the ground for history and eternity.

“A Savior…” – oh, the collective cry of joy from longing hearts, desperate for relief from their captivity to sin, almost afraid to believe the truth of it – a Reconciler Who delivers our redeemed souls to a Holy God!

“Who is Christ the Lord…” – the One chosen to rule and reign in our hearts, to tear down our idols, and to establish His rightful and good authority as King of our souls. This good Master will be our protection, our Bread of Life, our Living Hope, our Prince of Peace, the Almighty God of every believing, surrendered heart.

The Christian world annually celebrates the birth of Jesus on December 25, but my “first Christmas” came on August 24, 1981.

As I unwrapped the gift of my salvation – a gift impossible to earn, only to be received and accepted (Ephesians 2:8-9) – I knew it was personal. When I heard the Spirit whisper my name, Immanuel wasn’t just “God with us.” He was God with me! The years of heaviness caused by striving for man’s approval crashed to my feet in an instant – my “today.” That same Spirit removed the scales from my eyes and opened my mind to see, believe, and understand the treasure of His truth. I danced in the liberation of a heart set free from the penalty of death – paid by a Savior, covered by a love unimaginable. The throne room of my will was ruthlessly purged of unholiness and made ready for the Spirit of the High and Holy King to take up residence until He returns or until I’m called into His presence.

A trip to the mall or a few clicks on Amazon can produce a nice little stack of pretty packages and bows. But nothing compares with the very personal gift offered by a Savior Who left the glory of heaven to walk the dusty roads of earth as a man; Who lived an impossibly perfect life; Who willingly sacrificed His unjustly bloodied and tortured body as a flawless sacrifice for our transgressions; and Who crushed death with His resurrection power so that we might enjoy Him forever.

In Luke 2:11, Jesus extends to you the perfect Gift of Himself. As you relish the company of loved ones, your Christmas traditions, and the joy of the season today, remember the Gift. “For unto you is born today in the city of David a Savior, Who is Christ the Lord.”

Christmas blessings to you! We’ll meet up again in the New Year!