November Roses

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Pocket Thoughts - 2/14/25

Special Valentine’s Day Edition

In a brainstorming session in 1944, Hallmark corporation’s sales and marketing executive Ed Goodman scrawled out on a 3” x 5” paper the sentiment that would become the company’s signature slogan for years to come: “When you care enough to send the very best.”

This Valentine’s Day, I want to pour a little love into your tank and remind you that God Himself did indeed care enough about you to send His very best.

He sent His holy and perfect Son Jesus Christ to become one of us – to know our struggles, our sufferings, and our shortcomings. He felt our pain, cried our tears, and fought our battles. And in none of these things did He compromise His perfection or holiness. They only moved His heart to love us more – if that were even possible. That’s why when the bill came due for the sins of the world – for yours and mine – He was the only One qualified and able to take on the debt and pay it with His own blood. And He was willing. Then because He knew that this was only the beginning of an eternal love story, He triumphed over death so that His beloved would know that the pain of this life would one day be swallowed up in the joy of the Lord.

The apostle Paul left us a robust word picture of what the love of Jesus looks like in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a. Allow me to paraphrase just a bit.

Love – Jesus – is patient with you, and He is ever so kind to you. Love – Jesus – helps you to enjoy the peace of being content in the Lord, to be quietly grateful for His blessings, and to humbly serve Him. Love – Jesus – doesn’t shame you, but sacrifices all for you. He is gentle, gracious, and quick to forgive. The heart of love – Jesus – breaks when you fail, but He’s the first One to lift you up and return you to the right path. Love – Jesus – celebrates you, covers you, believes in you, cheers for you, and hangs in there with you – always and without fail.

Flowers, chocolates, and yes, Hallmark cards on Valentine’s Day are nice expressions of romantic love. But if you’re looking for true love on February 14 or any other day of the year, look to Jesus. God cared enough about you to send His very best.

Never forget that you are so loved.