In the Presence of My Enemies...

Part of my plan for the day was to begin constructing that belt of truth to help me confront enemy attacks, and I had written down several Scripture references that I planned to explore. I'm doing a couple of other Bible studies, and my reading for one of them included the 23rd Psalm - and not by coincidence! Listen to this beauty - "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows." - Psalm 23:5. Yee haw! In light of my recent concerns, the Lord dropped this verse into my lap! I had to know more! So here are just a few of the things I discovered as I researched this verse...
* The Message paraphrases this verse as, "You serve me a six-course dinner right in front of my enemies. You revive my drooping head; my cup brims with blessing."
* Oil symbolizes the Holy Spirit. When the Lord anoints us with oil, He is pouring His Spirit over us and equipping us to serve Him and go in the direction He has for us. The enemy has no power against that, but he does have to sit by and watch God infuse us with His purposes.
* The Hebrew word for "anoint" means to "make fat." It indicates abundance, prosperity, joy, divine favor, esteem, and honor.
Right there in front of my enemies, the Lord of Heaven's Armies/my Father/God Himself claims me as His own special, esteemed child. And He doesn't give me a granola bar and a pat on the head. He lays out an abundant, rich feast and pours out His blessings over my life. As His guest, I'm guaranteed His protection and lavish provision. And the blessings that are mine are more than I can contain! What incredible love! Again, this is all happening in front of my enemies who are compelled to look on and see how the Lord has provided for me. I enjoy those blessings in the safety and security of God's incredible protection from harm. "...No one can snatch them out of My hand." - John 10:28b.
So that's where this Scripture journey has taken me today, and I love God's sweet confirmation that even in the presence of my enemies, I am safe and I am His! May that same security rest on you as well!

Just Enough Light for the Next Step


Do I Look Like A Lion Snack?!