Today's Assignment -- Love God

I had a terrible time falling asleep on Sunday night -- because…I made the mistake of looking at my calendar before I went to bed. I looked at Monday and saw a dinner on my schedule. On Wednesday, I had another evening commitment. On Thursday, I needed to be somewhere right after work. And did I mention that I'm a little OCD about making sure I have time to spend with the Lord, exercise, and try to cook a decent dinner for the boyfriend (AKA husband) almost every night? So basically I crawled into bed in full panic mode.

When the alarm went off on Monday morning, the heart-pounding started. Fell into my morning routine and eventually found my way to my coffee. (Jesus, have I told You thank You for COFFEE lately? THANK. YOU!) Sitting at the table and diving into a couple of devotional books, I was reminded of the importance of trusting God and of looking for Him in every situation and circumstance in my day. And here is the part where I kind of imagined a cartoon. It was quite literally as though the clouds parted, angels sang, and the sun broke out -- and I heard (but not REALLY heard, you know?) His sweet voice saying, "Hey, girl. Relax. You really only have one assignment on your schedule today. Love Me." I just sat there with my cup of joy -- I mean, coffee -- and felt a quiet and a peace and soaked it in for a minute.

"When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, 'Simon son of John, do you truly love Me more than these?' 'Yes, Lord,' he said, 'You know that I love You.' Jesus said, 'Feed My lambs.' Again Jesus said, 'Simon son of John, do you truly love Me?' He answered, 'Yes, Lord, You know that I love You.' Jesus said, 'Take care of My sheep.' The third time He said to him, 'Simon son of John, do you love Me?' Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him a third time, 'Do you love Me?' He said, 'Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.' Jesus said, 'Feed My sheep.'" -- John 21:15-17

So yep, I know what God was asking me to do. To love Him means to love people. So I prayed a simple little prayer and asked Him to show me how to do that in practical ways in everything that was coming my way. And you know how God is -- He's not One to waste time.

On my way into work, I enjoyed praying through a list of needs I had committed to pray for. I thought of the face of each person on my list, and I asked God to send His love in unmistakably personal ways -- where they wouldn't be able to deny His goodness and mercy. I rejoiced in my God Who is able to meet every need and Who is strong enough to carry any burden. I told Him I loved Him.

Walked into a whirlwind of anxiety and panic at work as we ended up being extremely short-staffed. "Lord, how can I love You in this?" His answer -- "Serve." So I got busy offering to help and to run here and there and to try to keep the mood positive and the situation in perspective. I walked around the corner and ran into a co-worker with big tear-filled eyes. An offer to listen was kindly declined. But my heart broke for the obvious pain she was in. I prayed for her. For the girls running around and answering phones with both hands at the same time. For sick patients desperate to see doctors whose schedules were ridiculously full. Later in the morning, I stopped by to check on my hurting friend. I pulled up a chair and listened to her painful situation and gave her a hug and some words sent from God's Spirit to comfort her. I worked hard. I smiled. I did whatever extra thing needed to be done. And I prayed some more.

I was able to leave work on time and was looking forward to squeezing in a little run before I needed to clean up for dinner. Changed into my running clothes. Laced up Micaela and Antonio. (Yes, I NAME my running shoes. Don't you?) Was walking toward the door. And the phone rang. And it was my older son. And I like my older son. And I like having long conversations with him. And God said, "Love Me. Love your son." So I picked up, and we had a great mom-son chat, and I was so glad to catch up on his life. And to love him. And I was still able to get in my run -- which kinda has the coffee effect on me -- just makes me happy!

Came home, showered the running stink off myself, did all the girly stuff you do when you're going out in public, and headed to the dinner. Being new to the group of women I was having dinner with, our conversations started out pretty light-hearted and informational. "Have kids? Work outside of the home? How long have you been involved in this group?" I thought, "Lord, how exactly am I supposed to love these women -- practically strangers?" "Glad you asked," was His response. And the conversations quickly took on more serious tones. One lady at the table began to tell her story of struggles with a wayward child and the chaos and distress her family was going through. Another shared how she and her brother were in the midst of moving their parents from their long-time home into a retirement community and her concerns for possible age-related mental changes she was beginning to notice in her mom. Heartbreak. And in God's good grace, the words -- and the WORD -- came to mind to give them encouragement and compassion and tenderness and concern and love. The whole time, my heart was pounding with joy and humility at this opportunity to LOVE GOD by LOVING PEOPLE.

I prayed for my new friends on the drive home and was excited to share my day with my husband -- how God had simplified MY schedule to instead become HIS mission. He took the concerns and the worries and the anxieties that had been camping out in my imagination and replaced them with one charge -- "Love Me." And in tracking toward that one goal, my eyes were opened to needs and hurts and losses that could really only be touched by the One Who is near to the broken-hearted. I thanked God for His nearness to me. And for His nearness to my hurting friends. And for the privilege of loving Him.

And guess what. I slept like a baby that night.


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