See You at the Beach!

Over the Fourth of July weekend, we had the awesome opportunity to spend time with the family of one of our daughters-in-love down at the coast. It was just as it should be -- relaxing, fun, lazy -- all of those "beach" words! We laughed, played, ate, read, napped, walked, swam, ENJOYED!

I always tell the boyfriend (he's actually my husband) that I'm a pretty cheap vacation date. Drop me off at the beach with a bottle of water, a floppy hat, and some sunscreen, and I'm pretty much good to go for the day. (Okay, I might need a snack at some point, but I bet I can find what I need. I always seem to find food when I think I need it.)

Anytime I go near a beach, I have a secret agenda. I want to see God. And He has yet to disappoint! My special time with Him is just watching the waves roll in and kiss the shore -- over and over and over again. It's so reassuring, it almost takes away my breath. For me, the constancy of the waves is a beautiful picture of God's faithfulness, His calm, His power, His eternity. To sit in the sand and watch the water crest and fall for a couple of hours passes like minutes to me. I'm mesmerized by the beauty and the call to my heart from His.

Because I know when we pack up our bag with our leftover snacks and our sunscreen and our towels and our chanclas, and I get in the car, and we go back to wherever we're staying, the waves will continue even without me there. And I'll go back home and work and worry and live my life. And the world will seem to be going crazy and spinning out of control. And tragedies will happen and hearts will break. And it would be easy for me -- for anyone, really -- to wonder if God is on vacation. But when I think back to my time on the beach, I remember -- He's still there. He's still here. He's still constant. In the midst of chaos, God is still sending one wave. Sending the next. Stirring up a new wave beyond the horizon. Calm and faithful. Strong and present. Wave after wave until time is gathered up. Such sweet comfort for this fear-battered, schedule-frenzied, bruised-up soul.

The Lord gave me a special surprise on this most recent trip. As I was wading further out from the shore and letting the stronger waves crash into me and laughing and wiping saltwater from my eyes, a quiet call came to my heart. "Delight in Me! Come out a little further, and experience the fun of My ocean, the cool of My waters, the beauty of the waves! Laugh! Soak in the warmth of the sun! Let the splashes mess up your hair! Let the tide knock you over and wrestle you to the sand! This beach -- this life -- is Me calling to your heart -- enjoy!" I was happy stunned! My usual approach at the beach is one of awe and reverence at my faithful God's handiwork. But this day, He called to me to HAVE FUN WITH HIM! So…I did!

We went back to our place late that afternoon -- sunburned, contentedly exhausted, and hungry, of course! And I thought of my Father. I thanked Him for reminding me of His faithful presence in this life, of the million ways He brings me joy, of the goodness of belonging to Him. There is so much of Him at the beach! And I think that when I go back, I will need to bring someone along to share Him with!

Teachers -- The True Difference-Makers


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