Lucy's BIG Birthday

Dearest Lucy,

It happened from the beginning. You had BIG feelings! Newborn. First day of life out here with all of us. And the lights were too bright so you cried -- real tears. You were hungry so you cried -- real tears. Your little shoulders were cold so you cried -- real tears.

Even though your cries were usually soft, they were packed with heart and beckoned wistfully to us all. Who could resist? Who would WANT to resist?! Your sweet little voice reeled us all in, and the whole world moved to bring you comfort.

And then you smiled -- with your whole self! What good is a smile if you only use your face?! You smiled -- still do! -- with your arms waving and your legs kicking! And a really good smile MUST be so joyful that your tongue sticks out, too!

When you are still, BIG peace covers you like a warm blanket. You and your Papa are the sweetest thing when you're resting in his arms, your big brown eyes heavy with sleep, your whole self melted into his adoring embrace.

Your soul is and always has been a friendly one. "Aunties, uncles, cousins, grandparents -- hold me, let's play, let me study your fun face! New buddies at daycare -- let's have a crazy good time today! Beans and Charlie -- you are my favorite dogs! Let me grab that soft fur and try to dodge those lavish puppy kisses!"

Biggest of all, though, is the right and sweet spell you've cast over your mommy and daddy. The day you were born, Mommy had some troubles, and Daddy stepped in to hold you next to his bare skin and welcome you with warmth and overwhelming love. And Team Lucy suddenly became undaunted, unbeatable, and unstoppable. The adjustments to parenthood created a many-strand, unbreakable cord, made even stronger when your parents stood before witnesses and dedicated themselves to raising you in the footsteps of Jesus.

Your passion for life blossoms just a little bit more each day. If there is a sight to be seen or a sound to be heard or a new experience to be had, you lunge for it with all of your might! You are "Carpe diem!" in the flesh! Life is indeed something beautiful and miraculous -- even in the small and ordinary things -- and you remind us of that every day.

You are the one who tolerates your dad's "interesting" wardrobe choices. The one who rides contentedly in the baby sling as Mom does the grocery shopping. The one who has been rocking leopard print since the first week of life. The one who has a vigilant watchdog and buddy in Bad Dog Beans. The one who WILL. BE. A. BAYLOR. BEAR. FAN. (Because Daddy said so, that's why.) The one who sticks her head out the doggie door just to see what the dogs are up to out there.

It's clear to see -- your big feelings spring from a big heart! And the world could certainly use more hearts like yours -- full of love, joy, excitement, kindness, and curiosity. You inspire me and make me laugh and make me want to see the world through your eyes! God knew what He was talking about when He said, "Children's children are a crown of the aged..." -- Proverbs 17:6a. And so you are my crown. And thanks to you and those BIG feelings and all of that BIG fun, it's sitting crooked on top of a head of disheveled hair from playing with and loving on my Lucy! I wish you a very happy and BIG birthday!

Loving you always with all of my heart,

When Love Came Down...


Sweet Everly Turns One Today!