Looking for Some Direction for 2016?

I've never been much for New Year's resolutions. Not opposed to them. Just never felt inclined to make one. I guess I'm just more in for general direction than specific resolution. Arguably, the less specific, the more difficult it is to measure results. But still -- I go with "general direction."

What I do instead of making a NYR is to choose a theme word for my year. I do my best to put some serious effort into that because I want to choose a word that covers every circumstance and life event that comes my way. I usually start asking God for His opinion at the start of Advent. My heart and mind are intent on the beauty and weightiness of God's indescribable gift through the whole month of December. So I figure the opportunity to hear from God on this is a big one.

I pray. I look to Scripture. I look at the circumstances in my life that God may be using to speak to me. And this year, He used His velvet hammer to drive the "word" home to me.

My theme word for 2016 is "presence." This past year in particular has been one of knowing God's sweet nearness like never before. He has whispered His love and comfort through His Word, through compassionate and wise friends, through cardinal sightings and baby laughter. And although my heart has been known to be "hard of hearing," this year I have listened and heard and rejoiced. And I desire wholeheartedly to live in and seek constantly His presence in 2016.

In another sense of the word, I desire to "give" my presence as an act of love and service to Him. Some of the most unforgettable and tender moments of 2015 were just simple acts of kind people "showing up." Their "presence" was the blessing. And I desire for that same spirit of selflessness to live in me and to be that in the lives of others. Reflecting on the previous year has brought countless missed opportunities to my mind, and while I can't change the past, I can ask for God's help in doing better in the New Year. Ann Voskamp writes, "You love as well as you are willing to be inconvenienced." God, may I be WILLING in 2016!

As confirmation for my theme word this year, I received a very special and thoughtful Christmas gift from the family of my daughter-in-love. Knowing that I was grieving during the first Christmas season since my dad had gone to Heaven, they presented me with a silver bangle with the words of Jesus from Matthew 28:20 -- "Remember I am with you always." Hmmm. His PRESENCE... :)

How will a theme word make a difference for you in 2016? It starts with a prayer of desire to know God more deeply. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you in whatever way He chooses. And then ask Him to make you more aware of the times He uses "your" word to speak to your heart. God is faithful. You'll be "surprised by joy," as C.S. Lewis would say!

January 1 is still a few days away. You have some time. You have a God Who wants nothing more than to have a conversation with you. You have the unbelievable gift of access to His throne and to His Word -- for guidance, for inspiration, for confirmation. Have a blessed 2016! Happy New Year!

The Pinnacle of Impossibility? Not With God!


When Love Came Down...