What Loneliness is Teaching Me
Sometimes a common thread keeps running through your life, and you realize that even though it's not a pleasant theme, talking about it might just help somebody else who's going through a similar season.
So, here is my "ugly beautiful" story.
I'm lonely.
Due to job changes and "life," Scott and I have moved five times in the last six years. Not bad if you're the adventurous type. But if you're an introvert who absolutely loves stability and routine, moving and making new friends can be terrifying and even paralyzing. I'm not complaining -- just laying it all out there for ya. Can you relate?
Fortunately, wherever we move, we try ASAP to plug into a church family. We have an instant connection with other believers in our mutual love for God, and He's been extra sweet to give us life-long friends in every church community we've ever been a part of. But if you move away, you can't take them with you. Friendships are limited to calls, texts, emails, Facebook posts, and -- if you're EXTREMELY blessed! -- an actual visit!
So I'm not saying that I have no friends. I'm actually RICH in friendships with ladies and gentlemen from all stages of my life. Right now, I just can't call anyone up and say, "Hey! Let's grab lunch!" "There's a sale at Macy's. Do you think there's anything there that we can't live without? Let's go see!" "I'm thinking of hanging a mirror above the mantel. Can you swing by and give me your opinion?"
Last week, the "lonely monster" -- AKA the devil -- noticed that I was feeling particularly isolated. (BTW, he's most likely to attack when he sees you're vulnerable.) I woke up, drank my coffee, and opened up my Bible. I prayed for the folks on my prayer list. I listened to and sang praise songs to God. But this dark cloud over me just kept getting darker and heavier! I felt overwhelmed but at the same time embarrassed. I knew I needed to reach out to my besties, but what would I say?
Well, I said, "Y'all, I'm really embarrassed to be sending this, but I'm lonely and need your prayers." Just saying the words broke the clouds a bit.
And that group text lit a fire under some of God's fiercest prayer warrior princesses! The battle had begun! These girls know their way around a war, and they've done combat before! They've proven God true and faithful over and over again. And they began lighting up my phone with words of hope, words of encouragement, words of life, words from THE WORD! Their absolute faith in the One Who sticks closer than a brother came through loud and clear! That day and for days to come, they fed my soul with reassurance and reminders of God's love for me.
What did I learn that might help you, too? First of all, I learned that there's nothing shameful about being lonely. Don't be embarrassed to send up a flare and let your soul family know that you're hurting. Which leads me to the second thing I learned -- there are FAR MORE people who love you (and love you deeper than you know!) than you realize. LET. THEM. LOVE. YOU!!! And the cherry on the top? Regardless of the circumstances of your loneliness -- isolated by illness, separated by geography, no connections with your deepest heart -- there truly is a Friend Who never leaves your side. In fact, before He left earth to return to Heaven to prepare a place for you, Jesus gave one final promise to get you through the journey to Home: "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." -- Matthew 28:20b
I'm praying for my lonely friends today. Been there, done that. Love you.
So, here is my "ugly beautiful" story.
I'm lonely.
Due to job changes and "life," Scott and I have moved five times in the last six years. Not bad if you're the adventurous type. But if you're an introvert who absolutely loves stability and routine, moving and making new friends can be terrifying and even paralyzing. I'm not complaining -- just laying it all out there for ya. Can you relate?
Fortunately, wherever we move, we try ASAP to plug into a church family. We have an instant connection with other believers in our mutual love for God, and He's been extra sweet to give us life-long friends in every church community we've ever been a part of. But if you move away, you can't take them with you. Friendships are limited to calls, texts, emails, Facebook posts, and -- if you're EXTREMELY blessed! -- an actual visit!
So I'm not saying that I have no friends. I'm actually RICH in friendships with ladies and gentlemen from all stages of my life. Right now, I just can't call anyone up and say, "Hey! Let's grab lunch!" "There's a sale at Macy's. Do you think there's anything there that we can't live without? Let's go see!" "I'm thinking of hanging a mirror above the mantel. Can you swing by and give me your opinion?"
Last week, the "lonely monster" -- AKA the devil -- noticed that I was feeling particularly isolated. (BTW, he's most likely to attack when he sees you're vulnerable.) I woke up, drank my coffee, and opened up my Bible. I prayed for the folks on my prayer list. I listened to and sang praise songs to God. But this dark cloud over me just kept getting darker and heavier! I felt overwhelmed but at the same time embarrassed. I knew I needed to reach out to my besties, but what would I say?
Well, I said, "Y'all, I'm really embarrassed to be sending this, but I'm lonely and need your prayers." Just saying the words broke the clouds a bit.
And that group text lit a fire under some of God's fiercest prayer warrior princesses! The battle had begun! These girls know their way around a war, and they've done combat before! They've proven God true and faithful over and over again. And they began lighting up my phone with words of hope, words of encouragement, words of life, words from THE WORD! Their absolute faith in the One Who sticks closer than a brother came through loud and clear! That day and for days to come, they fed my soul with reassurance and reminders of God's love for me.
What did I learn that might help you, too? First of all, I learned that there's nothing shameful about being lonely. Don't be embarrassed to send up a flare and let your soul family know that you're hurting. Which leads me to the second thing I learned -- there are FAR MORE people who love you (and love you deeper than you know!) than you realize. LET. THEM. LOVE. YOU!!! And the cherry on the top? Regardless of the circumstances of your loneliness -- isolated by illness, separated by geography, no connections with your deepest heart -- there truly is a Friend Who never leaves your side. In fact, before He left earth to return to Heaven to prepare a place for you, Jesus gave one final promise to get you through the journey to Home: "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." -- Matthew 28:20b
I'm praying for my lonely friends today. Been there, done that. Love you.