The Sweetness of Need

"A chord of three strands is not easily broken." - Ecclesiastes 4:12. It was a verse from our wedding ceremony 35 years ago, but as we walked along a dirt road in Broken Bow, Oklahoma last month, it was almost as though I could hear the Lord speaking it out loud. I could hear the chirping of cardinals in the trees, but even though it seemed we were near to the sound, I was having a dickens of a time spotting my redbirds. I voiced my frustration to Scott as we walked. Suddenly, he stopped and put his hand on my shoulder. With his other hand, he pointed up to a branch in a tree in the middle of a hundred other trees. As my eyes began to focus, I finally saw my handsome cardinal friend! What's amazing about this is that over the years, my cute little boyfriend has lost hearing for high pitched sounds. He never hears the cardinals, but over the next couple of days, as I strained to catch their song, he was quick to spot them and point them out to me! What a team we are - I can't see, and he can't hear! But boy, we sure complement each other! And thank You, God, for that beautiful arrangement!

That few days away from home came at the end of a hard year of leaning on and trusting God. Details don't matter so much. We each have our seasons of trials and struggles - some last a day or two - some may not be resolved until we finally fall into the arms of Grace. But the comforting thing to know is that even in our ups and downs, cycles of rejoicing and mourning, waves of celebration and despair - God never changes. And He never leaves us. His Word is full of promises that remind us of His faithfulness and constancy. And just like our good God, He never gives just a little - He gives in abundance!

One of the dearest things He gave to us through the year was the faithful support of brothers and sisters in Christ. The four couples in our community group loved us with the heart of Jesus, encouraged us from the Word, challenged us to live and process our situation biblically, prayed for and with us, and celebrated with us as we saw prayers answered!

We each had members of the family of God with whom we shared our deepest, most urgent concerns. And praise the Lord for this - they were obedient to His Spirit when He placed on their hearts the urge to call or text with His perfect words in His perfect timing! And you can bet your socks on this - they were some of the first people we contacted to share the good news of God's faithfulness and care for us as our burden was lifted!

And we had each other. You know this already. Going through a fire together melts every part of you into each other. Lots of tears. Lots of long conversations. Lots of nights of restless sleep and some nights of very little sleep at all. Lots of mutual encouragement and some mutual admonishment (all greatly needed!). But sweetly, there were lots of hugs. Lots of pointing each other to the sure character of God. Lots of sharing of the perfect Bible verse for the perfect situation. Lots of reminding each other that our good God is sovereign. Lots of truth-based hope, joy, and peace. And LOTS of recognizing that God was holding us in His hands with wisdom and tenderness.

When the course of things changed and the prayers were answered, there was no pride in all of our hard work, in our own faithful holding on to the Lord, in our wisdom and discipline over the past several months. When the answers came, we were slain with humility and gratitude and the desire to trumpet the goodness of God.

I can't even begin to imagine the journey of 2018 without the presence of God, the gift of His family, and unity with my dear, dear husband.

Pretty sure I've said this a million times, but how can I not say it again?! We were never meant to live this life in isolation! God's plan from the beginning was for fellowship! You know this already - we NEED each other! We NEED God! And there's NOTHING wrong with those needs - they're part of our design by the Lord - for His glory and for our flourishing!

The verses prior to Ecclesiastes 4:12 help us to see the advantages of community: "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: if either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves." And hallelujah for that Third Strand - the presence of God!

Can I speak gently but urgently to your heart? Please don't walk this journey alone. Life can be hard enough with friends and family AND the Lord! But to be "an island unto yourself" is shear heartache. Don't be ashamed or afraid. We all think if anyone knew the truth about us or what we're going through, they would run from us and lock the doors behind them! (Well, maybe that's just me!) But our culture confirms what God has already told us - when you open up about your fears, hang-ups, and struggles, a slow trickle of "Me, too's" turns into a waterfall. Brokenness in all of its forms is universal. But there is strength in the support and love of your brothers and sisters and hope in the words of Jesus Himself: "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." - John 16:33

For today...make a call or send a text and share what's burdening God's Word and hear His reassurance and compassion...pour out your heart to Him...let the family of God come alongside you to comfort, encourage, and strengthen you...and if you're walking in a season of peace, be God's messenger of hope and love...obey His Spirit when you're stirred to get in touch with someone...for us all - when the Lord sends His answer to your prayers - and even when He doesn't - let us worship Him in both the waiting and the celebrating.

Terrifically Two Years Old - Janie!


For God's Glory and My Good