"Threenager" in the House!
Dear Eleanor Rose,
Happy birthday, beautiful! Three years old already! THAT happened in a blink! But I must say - it's been a FUN blink, and I've enjoyed every minute that I've spent with you! If ever there were a girlie girl, I believe you would be in the running for top prize, sister.
You are all things tutu, headband, jewelry, costume, and glitter. "Salon" is not just a game with you - it's a real time each day when you sit still as a statue and wait for somebody to do something marvelous with your hair. Nail painting is optional but highly preferred. At my house, you know where the drawer is where old lipstick goes to die, and you frequent that place almost every time you visit. It doesn't matter that you have an entire bin of costume jewelry in the playroom. You need MY jewelry, and you need it BAD. Heels and purses are nice to have - the brighter the color, the better. And baby dolls make cute accessories, too. It's always best to ask you who you are on any given day because you're constantly morphing between various princess personalities.
But don't get me wrong - you're not just another pretty face. There's a really big, busy brain in that adorable head of yours. You're into puzzles, and you're fast at putting them together! You pick up on song lyrics like nobody's business. And reading a good book is always a good idea. You're eager to learn if anyone's willing to teach you. A few memorable things you and I have worked on this year: a couple of verses from the 23rd Psalm; "Β‘Chivo!" (Spanish for "Cool!") with thumbs up; and where the silverware goes in the kitchen drawers. (Did I mention you're a good little helper?!)
You love a good scare from a fun game of hide-and-seek. You're still a snuggler (and I hope you always will be!). When we play "family," you always want it to be nap time, but when it's really bedtime at home, you NEVER want it to be bedtime. You're a dancer, a poser, and a fountain of laughter and giggles. Your favorite animal at the zoo is the elephant. You'd rather ride than walk (walking takes so much energy out of a princess). In your humble opinion, chocolate donuts with sprinkles should be a food group. So should peanut butter straight from the jar, eaten with a spoon. A good pacifier and a strand of soft, curly hair to twirl sure come in handy at bedtime. And Barbies are a girl's best friend. Barbies with lots of tiny shoes. Barbies with tiny purses and cell phones. Barbies with eight jillion articles of clothing and sunglasses and hats. If you're gonna get all dressed up, you might as well dress up your Barbies, too!
And this year, there's been this thing happening. While you ARE the consummate snuggler and love bug, a new side of your personality has emerged this year which has garnered you the title of "threenager." Interesting - because you apparently usually only reveal this side of yourself when you're out in public with Mom or when she's in a precarious situation. Hmmm...not so sure what's behind that "threenager" thing, but just guessing what it rhymes with gives me a fairly good idea. I'm sure it will fade away over the next 16 years (!?!).
You have a best friend/worst enemy in big sister Lucy. Instantaneously, you two can go from being sweet as pie and thick as thieves to screaming, yanking gremlins! And this year, God dropped off baby brother Jackson at your house so that you can master the art of being a big sister yourself! You love your cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents, and you're a constant source of amusement and joy!
You know, Eleanor, it's true. You ARE a princess. You have a Heavenly Father Who is King of the universe. So carry yourself as if you were royalty - because you are. I know that you'll shine that huge personality of yours with the light of His love and goodness as only you can! (And you'll probably leave a little glitter behind just because).
Always loving you with all of my heart,
Happy birthday, beautiful! Three years old already! THAT happened in a blink! But I must say - it's been a FUN blink, and I've enjoyed every minute that I've spent with you! If ever there were a girlie girl, I believe you would be in the running for top prize, sister.
You are all things tutu, headband, jewelry, costume, and glitter. "Salon" is not just a game with you - it's a real time each day when you sit still as a statue and wait for somebody to do something marvelous with your hair. Nail painting is optional but highly preferred. At my house, you know where the drawer is where old lipstick goes to die, and you frequent that place almost every time you visit. It doesn't matter that you have an entire bin of costume jewelry in the playroom. You need MY jewelry, and you need it BAD. Heels and purses are nice to have - the brighter the color, the better. And baby dolls make cute accessories, too. It's always best to ask you who you are on any given day because you're constantly morphing between various princess personalities.
But don't get me wrong - you're not just another pretty face. There's a really big, busy brain in that adorable head of yours. You're into puzzles, and you're fast at putting them together! You pick up on song lyrics like nobody's business. And reading a good book is always a good idea. You're eager to learn if anyone's willing to teach you. A few memorable things you and I have worked on this year: a couple of verses from the 23rd Psalm; "Β‘Chivo!" (Spanish for "Cool!") with thumbs up; and where the silverware goes in the kitchen drawers. (Did I mention you're a good little helper?!)
You love a good scare from a fun game of hide-and-seek. You're still a snuggler (and I hope you always will be!). When we play "family," you always want it to be nap time, but when it's really bedtime at home, you NEVER want it to be bedtime. You're a dancer, a poser, and a fountain of laughter and giggles. Your favorite animal at the zoo is the elephant. You'd rather ride than walk (walking takes so much energy out of a princess). In your humble opinion, chocolate donuts with sprinkles should be a food group. So should peanut butter straight from the jar, eaten with a spoon. A good pacifier and a strand of soft, curly hair to twirl sure come in handy at bedtime. And Barbies are a girl's best friend. Barbies with lots of tiny shoes. Barbies with tiny purses and cell phones. Barbies with eight jillion articles of clothing and sunglasses and hats. If you're gonna get all dressed up, you might as well dress up your Barbies, too!
And this year, there's been this thing happening. While you ARE the consummate snuggler and love bug, a new side of your personality has emerged this year which has garnered you the title of "threenager." Interesting - because you apparently usually only reveal this side of yourself when you're out in public with Mom or when she's in a precarious situation. Hmmm...not so sure what's behind that "threenager" thing, but just guessing what it rhymes with gives me a fairly good idea. I'm sure it will fade away over the next 16 years (!?!).
You have a best friend/worst enemy in big sister Lucy. Instantaneously, you two can go from being sweet as pie and thick as thieves to screaming, yanking gremlins! And this year, God dropped off baby brother Jackson at your house so that you can master the art of being a big sister yourself! You love your cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents, and you're a constant source of amusement and joy!
You know, Eleanor, it's true. You ARE a princess. You have a Heavenly Father Who is King of the universe. So carry yourself as if you were royalty - because you are. I know that you'll shine that huge personality of yours with the light of His love and goodness as only you can! (And you'll probably leave a little glitter behind just because).
Always loving you with all of my heart,