November Roses

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Dressing Up as a Five-Year-Old - Because She Is!

Dear Lucy,

I have to say that I've enjoyed the last hour looking back at photos of you from this past year! There were lots of LOL's because I just never knew what to expect as I scrolled from one to the next! If you'll humor me, I'll just write down a few of the highlights I ran across.

Sister, you can rock a costume like nobody's business! And you LOVE dress-up! My personal favorite is the robot costume that Papa made for you to wear at Halloween. While I do admit it's pretty dang cute, what I love even more is that you came up with the idea and that Papa went crazy making it the coolest robot he possibly could. You two are quite the team! Aside from Halloween, you're just as happy to raid my closet and try on anything that interests you on any given day. Your dad built you a dress-up cabinet this year, and that may have been one of the best uses of his time ever in the history of fatherhood! You and Ellie spend hours trying on hats, jewelry, dresses, and shoes. And then, of course, you need to have your picture taken!

You went to your first air show this year, and in spite of the loud roar of the planes flying over, you totally loved it! Soccer sounded interesting. Dad loves soccer so it must be great, right? Hmmm...not so much, in your opinion. That's okay. Now you know what you DON'T want to play! On a day when you challenged Mom just a little more than you should have, she "rewarded" you with the chore of vacuuming the couch. And YOU "rewarded" her by loving your new job! You and Ellie started going to Bible Study Fellowship with me on Wednesday mornings, and we've had some great car talk on the way to and from class each week.

You're still committed to your career goal of being a "baby nurse doctor." (?) And you practice a lot using ALL of your baby dolls and a homemade doctor kit. You love to "read" to Ellie and Jack and compose songs on the fly. Your swimming skills have really improved, and the main worry now is that you're just a little TOO fearless! You love your zoo trips with Mom and Ellie and whoever else comes along. Mom is great at arranging field trips and setting up fun times with new friends, and you've really come out of your shell! I've been so proud to watch you adjust to a new church, new school, and BSF class, and to see you make new buddies in all of those places!

You added another notch to your "big sister" belt when God gave you a baby brother a couple of months ago! You're already so patient and sweet to Ellie. And now you're loving on Jack and helping Mom with him like the great big sister we all knew you would be!

You are a girl with one great big imagination, a super-sized heart, and a crazy-deep supply of energy! You're a busy bee, but when a new idea finds its way into your mind, you're quite the thinker! You are the "asker of deep questions!" And you're the "expecter of deep answers!" You and I talk about funny stuff, serious stuff, and all kinds of stuff in between. I love having conversations with you because I never know what's coming next! I love that you listen so intently to Bible stories and that you ask questions. I love that you sing songs and want to talk about what they mean. I love that you try so hard to be kind - you really are a sweetheart! And I love that God made you that way! He knows that as you grow taller and smarter, you'll also grow in wisdom and compassion. And I'm so thankful that I get to be your Milly!

Always loving you with all of my heart,