November Roses

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Little Girl Janie

Dear Janie,

Just as the spring breeze brings fresh air to the world, you, little Jaybird, bring smiles and joy! Happy birthday!

Little love, you celebrate your third birthday at a historic time - a time when the people of the world face uncertainty, fear, and distancing. But you - and every young soul out there - carry the lamps of hope, trust, and love. I'm praying that the world rallies to provide a better tomorrow for you and for all children.

And speaking of you - Baby Janie has become Little Girl Janie! You've found your words, and they are kind words! You're always ready with a compliment, noticing small things and bringing them to light. You have a song in your heart and on your lips. And because you seem to have inherited Daddy's neatness gene, you love to clean and straighten and make sure everyone has a napkin when it's time to eat. Thank you. :)

Girl, you LOVE your mama! It's so precious to see you trailing behind her and being her little understudy! Apparently, you've been taking great notes! The care and attention you give to your baby dolls just melts my heart. And you're the perfect playmate for Everly! She's a terrific teacher and example to you. The finer touches are being passed down from big sister to little sister - how to wear a princess gown, how to walk in heels, how to rock those glamorous sunglasses. You two are happy to treat us all to lovely dance performances - the more impromptu, the better. A wise woman named Pam Brown says, "When sisters stand shoulder to shoulder, who stands a chance against them?" And you two are certainly a formidable pair!

Even though you're tiny, you're tough! Never to be left behind, you've incurred more than a few bruises, scrapes, and bumps as you try to keep up with the big kids. Skinned knees, an occasional black eye, and the cutest Band-aids are all  badges of honor for an up-and-comer like you!

There's so much about you that I love! I love that God has given you a singing, thoughtful, brave, playful, happy heart! A sweet little light like yours can make all the difference in a world like ours. And those million dollar hugs are just a bonus! Happy birthday, sweetie!

Always loving you with all of my heart,