Eleanor and All the Four-Year-Old Feels!

Dear Eleanor,

Well, happy birthday to YOU! I was amused - but not surprised - to watch your birthday morning video and your disdain and frustration at being served a nice pastry with BLUEBERRIES (gasp)! Don't those people know you HATE blueberries?! Typical Ellie - never a doubt about how you're feeling or how you see the world! You feel all the feels, and you make all the faces to go with them! You radiate sunshine and joy when your heart is happy, but there is never any question as to when the skies are stormy and you're less than thrilled. Funny thing about you, though - weather changes can be instantaneous! Sunshine, storm, and...sunshine again! Smiles, pouts, and back to giggles!

You're a passionate kiddo, no doubt. Some things you love - Barbies, Beanie Babies and stuffed animals, Bible stories, dress-up and costumes, treats, and reading books. Your imagination is amazing and fun! Barbies turn into neighborhood friends and ER doctors and babysitters. Beanie Babies turn into zoo animals and wild pets - and everybody has a name! Your favorite Bible stories are the ones where people are forgiven. Your "identity" changes throughout the day. Elsa shows up at the breakfast table. JoJo Siwa steps in for the morning dance party. Moana eats mac and cheese and fruit and then settles down for a little tablet time. Right before dinner, "Superwoman" saves the day with her red cape and cowgirl boots and her "freezing" super powers. And Rapunzel pops out of the bathtub for a good night's rest.

So those are some things that you love. Here are a few things (gosh, I can't list them all - there are so many!) that I love about you. You're a lefty. I just admire lefties, and I have one in you! You like snacks. I like snacks. We can be friends for life with that one thing alone! You like to hold my hand and sit in my lap to read books. You still ask me to carry you. You are a hugger. And I really love watching you be a part of your family. I love how you enjoy playing with and learning from Lucy. And I love how you're beginning to entertain and help more with Jackson. You're an "Ellie sandwich," and Lucy and Jack are the bread! Yummy!

One of the special times that you and I share is after your bath at my house. Lucy runs off to hang out with Papa, but you always linger for your "beauty treatment." You patiently let me brush out all of the tangles in your dark, curly hair, and on a good day, you ask me to braid it. Then you ask for just a touch of blush and a dusting of purple eyeshadow. The finishing touch is your choice from Milly's lipstick stash. And yes - when the process is complete, you are indeed lovely! But what matters most is the conversation we have every single time. We talk about what REALLY makes a little girl beautiful. I tell you that people look at the outside, but God looks at our hearts. We talk about how you can have sparkling eyes, shiny curls in your hair, and a sweet smile. But if your heart is ugly - if you say mean things to people, if you act unkindly to someone, if you're selfish or grumpy - no matter how much blush or eyeshadow or lipstick you wear, you will not be pretty. You know the answer to this question because I ask you every time you get a "beauty treatment." "What makes a girl beautiful?" "Her heart."

Well, birthday girl, I wish you all the GOOD feels today! I wish you a day of true beauty! And although I know how much you love to be in character, I wish the REAL Ellie the best day ever!

Always loving you with all of my heart,





A Birthday on the Sunny Side


Oh, Jackson, You are One-derful!