Lucy the Brave Turns Six Today
Dear Lucy,
It's the evening of your sixth birthday, and you and your family have just packed up and headed home. Presents and confetti, birthday cookies and mac and cheese (of course, mac and cheese!), and screams and giggles - a family gathering to celebrate cute lil' you! After such an amazing day, I hope you rest your sleepy head and dream of wonderful things tonight!
I've spent a bit of my day thinking of you and the past year. And I hope you know I'm really proud of you. This time last year, you were adjusting to a new baby in the house. Jackson was a tiny little fella, and you took to the "junior mommy" role really well! You eventually jumped into helping with bottles, fetching diapers, and entertaining your "living baby doll!" It's been fun to see Jack look up to you and look FOR you when you're away from him. And you're not just a terrific big sister to Jackadoo - you're also Ellie's best buddy and playmate, too.
Before this crazy coronavirus thing started up, you were really beginning to grow in your confidence! You've always been a little shy and nervous to make new friends, but with preschool, church, and other activities, Lucy the Brave began to emerge! You were the initiator in friendships and play time. You were kind and compassionate and tender-hearted - and you're even more so today! It does my heart good to see qualities like these so strong in such a little girl!
A month before school started, your family moved into a new house. It was just a couple of blocks away from the elementary school. And man, were you ever ready for kindergarten! And when the time kinder was your only option - but definitely not your style. And just like that! You and Mom whizzed around, and on a dime, you were a homeschooler! Reading is a passion of yours, and math and science and social studies and Bible - well, you're just a kiddo who loves to learn! Mom has been great to seek out fun and interesting things to go and see and do in spite of coronavirus restrictions! And you're really sweet to include Ellie in all of your learning adventures.
I love our conversations about Jesus and Heaven and angels. I love that you want to hear Bible stories. I love your sweet, conversational prayers. I love how you remember things you've learned in BSF and how you bring them up just in the course of your normal, everyday life. I want to be like you when I grow up. :)
Things you're into as a brand new six-year-old: American Girl dolls, crafts of any kind, mailing and receiving notes, drawing pictures for other people, cousins, making Jack laugh, picking out "interesting" sets of clothes, solving everyone's problems, buying and eating cheese popcorn from the popcorn store, grandparents, exercising underappreciated "leadership skills" with Ellie, snacking on lettuce, and Sprite.
There's a lot going on in the world right now. But I'm thinking if we can all just be a little braver, learn a little more, think about Jesus more often, and maybe eat a little more popcorn and lettuce - like a little girl named Lucy - things are gonna be okay. Happy birthday, little chickie!
Always loving you with all of my heart,