November Roses

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A Great Day for a Celebration!

Dearest friends,

Please – celebrate with us!  One year ago today, the first post of “November Roses” went live. A month prior to that day, Scott and I sat down at the dining room table with our friends Bailey and Matt with one simple goal in mind – to develop a platform where we could celebrate God’s goodness through short stories and truths from the Word. Will you please bear with me as I honor some special people who helped us to reach that goal?

Bailey and Matt – our dream team! Sweet Bailey – amazingly gifted in design and aesthetics – gave me invaluable ideas on how to make things pretty but let me make the final choices on layout and color palette. (So if you love it, credit Bailey. If you’re not crazy about it, that’s on me.) She peppered me with great questions about what I envisioned for “November Roses” and helped me to bring the concept to life. Thank you, Bailey.

Matt, on the other hand, was the technical genius who guided me on all things website related. Believe you me, if there were dumb questions to be asked, I asked them. Matt was the most patient and respectful person God could have sent my way for this endeavor.

He taught me to fish. When I texted him questions (and there were a lot!), he purposely delayed his response to see if in the meantime, I could figure things out for myself. Ninety percent of the time, I eventually did – earning an “atta girl!” from Matt. Rather than give me a fish, Matt let me get tangled up in fishing line and suffer a couple of hooks in my skin, but in the end, I did indeed learn to fish. Thank you, Matt.

In November 2023, my sister-in-law Staci sent me a message encouraging me to do more with my writing than just Facebook posts. I felt that calling but was at a loss as to how to make that happen. Only a couple of weeks later, she would pass away from a sudden illness, leaving me more compelled than ever to find a  broader avenue for sharing my posts. Eventually, I would land on developing this website. In her memory and honor, the first post was published on her birthday – one year ago today. Thank you, Staci.

My friend Kim gifted me with a handmade book filled with some of my Facebook posts in December 2023. I bet you can guess the title – November Roses. I have to say that it was one of the most meaningful gifts I’ve ever received in my life. Her unwavering support and faithful prayers since then have truly meant the world to me. Thank you, Kim.

And then there’s Pam. In pouring out my dream of using my writing for God’s glory, she listened, asked pointed, thought-provoking questions, and finally said, “Pick up the pen.” And so I have – at least three times a week for the last 52 weeks. When I’m at a loss for words, I hear Pam’s voice in my mind and the Holy Spirit in my heart, and the stories start to flow. Thank you, Pam.

And the greatest cheerleader of all?! That spot is reserved for the guy who finds me writing in the early morning hours and late into the night and at all other times of the day – and loves me anyway. My boyfriend AKA husband Scott deserves a prize for being the most supportive, flexible fella a girl could ever pray for. He’s poured his time, energy, and love into doing what he’s always done so willingly as my husband – make my dreams come true. To hear him say that he’s proud of me just melts my heart. He’s one of a kind, and no – you can’t have him. He’s all mine. Thank you, honey.

For all of you who’ve been kind enough to welcome “November Roses” into your inboxes, thank you for your graciousness. For those who’ve checked out “NR” on social media or other online outlets, thank you for taking the time to read. For those who’ve gone a step further to let me know that God has used a story to bless or encourage you or someone else, thank you for affirming the mission of “NR” – to provide “a quiet place for your soul and be reminded of the goodness of God.” And for those who’ve shared this website or an individual post, thank you for spreading stories of how a loving God intervenes in the world He created for our good and His glory.

And to You, Lord, how can I thank You enough?! You’ve gifted me with a passion for writing, and then You’ve gifted me with an endless supply of stories in the lives of amazing, wonderful people! Never have I ever had so much fun bragging to my little corner of the world about what a great God You are! Thank You for this sweet privilege and for this sweet milestone. I hope “November Roses” makes You smile. And I hope You use it to strengthen and bless hearts in the days to come.

Soli Deo gloria.
