In the Presence of Greatness

My petite young friend – barely 5’ tall – stood in the hotel’s breakfast buffet line. Members of her family had gathered from all over the country for their annual reunion, and many of them were now trickling downstairs for their first meal of the day.

Other guests at the hotel on that particular weekend included players and coaches from several high school basketball teams who were in town for a big tournament.

As she held her plate in her hand, my friend casually turned around to seek out familiar faces. Instead, she encountered a 7’1” gentleman in a warm-up suit also standing in line and also holding a plate. She smiled politely and said, “Good morning.” He did the same. They both went through the line, filled their plates, and returned to their respective tables.

She ate her breakfast but not before noticing the hushed conversations and trying-to-look-inconspicuous stares of many in the room aimed at the gentleman. Soon, a couple of middle school-aged boys approached his table and spoke to him. He smiled and stood up. With the two boys flanking him, a proud mama took some quick photos. The impromptu photo sessions happened multiple times during my friend’s meal, with the gentleman graciously obliging each request. Having no idea who he was, she just shrugged it off and went upstairs.

Fifteen minutes later, her husband burst into the room, anxious to show her a photo on his phone. There stood Jay next to 7’1” NBA legend David Robinson – in the breakfast area of the hotel!

My sweet friend didn’t know and didn’t care about basketball or any other sport for that matter. When she spoke to the tall man in line behind her, she had no idea she was talking to a six-time NBA All Star and two-time NBA champion – basketball greatness!

The Bible tells the story of another woman who was also a little slow in recognizing she was in the presence of Greatness, but when she did, her whole life changed…

This woman is an outcast who encounters Jesus at a well. It’s hot – noontime. The other women have come to draw water in the cool of the early morning, but she’s not welcome in their circle. Her reputation keeps her on the fringes. So she comes with her buckets in the heat of the day to avoid being shunned and shamed.

As she approaches the well on this day, she finds a lone Jewish man. He asks her – a Samaritan woman – to give Him a drink. This is a taboo conversation. Jews don’t speak to Samaritans, but her entire life is already taboo so what does she have to lose? She engages with Him.

“How can You ask me for a drink?” She knows this is a forbidden exchange for a Jewish man. Jesus doesn’t shy away. He presses in to the topic at hand and presents to her the offer to accept “living water” – a spiritual spring that “wells up to eternal life.” He entreats her to bring her husband to Him, and when she says she has no husband, Jesus reveals that He knows the painful, intimate details of her past and present.

She is astonished. Who is this Man Who knows these things about her? Who offers “living water?” Who tells of true worshipers of the Living God – ones who will worship in the Spirit and in truth?

Her heart begins to beat faster as it slowly dawns on her that she’s in the presence of Greatness - of the One - of the long-awaited Messiah. His words confirm His identity: “I, the One speaking to you – I am He.”

Suddenly, nothing else matters! His presence has changed her in an instant, and she runs back to the town to invite the people to come and see the Messiah for themselves.

Have you had an encounter with Jesus? Have you recognized that you’re in the presence of Greatness?

The Samaritan woman was weighed down by the shame of a hard life. She was an outcast. She was bitter. She was jaded. She was tired.

Then Greatness met her at the well and revealed Himself to her. He lifted her burden. He welcomed her in. He extended grace. He softened her heart with His compassion. He gave rest to her weary soul.

Greatness has a name – “Jesus.” And He’s waiting at the well for you, friend.

(You can read the full story of this amazing encounter in John 4:1-30.)


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