Serving Shoulder to Shoulder

Every second Tuesday of the month, the doors of our church open to specifically welcome mamas of littles. It requires several teams collaborating to bring together a great morning of refreshment, teaching, and fellowship. Hospitality, registration, table discussion, communication - each team does its part to make this ministry a blessing to our guests. Obviously, I'm not a mama of littles anymore, but on those mornings, I get to link arms with a handful of amazing ladies called the Step Ahead Moms - the SAMs. We certainly don't mind setting up tables, laying out decorations, greeting our guests, holding their babies, sitting in on table discussions, and being put to work wherever we're needed. But the bread and butter of the SAMs team is to cover in prayer this ministry and those who participate in it. To be able to faithfully pray over the requests submitted each month is a privilege that we cherish and honor. You would be hard pressed to find a more dedicated group of prayer warriors than these beautiful co-laborers of mine.

Most tasks are far more enjoyable when you're delving into them shoulder to shoulder with others who share your goal. Serving God in whatever capacity He directs you is good for the soul, but if He sends along some sisters or brothers who share your passion for that same ministry, you've just received a great gift! Today, I thank God for the SAMs and for all the teams in all of the churches that exist to serve in His Kingdom. Using different skills, abilities, and talents, we find ourselves unique but unified in purpose and allegiance to the Lord. Serving is a team sport! If you find yourself feeling isolated or lonely in your service to Him, I'm praying for you. May God send fellow workers to encourage and support you. May you keep your eyes focused on your mission to live wholeheartedly for Him, and may your soul find joy in faithfulness. "There are different gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone is the same God at work. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good." (1 Corinthians 12:4-7)


Getting "With" It in 2024


Celebrating Lucy the Brave