“The Place of Beholding”

“And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, Who is the Spirit.” – 2 Corinthians 3:18

In the Christian classic My Utmost for His Highest, author Oswald Chambers reminds believers that “the golden rule for your life and mine is this concentrated keeping of the life open towards God.” He urges us to safeguard a “place of beholding” where we soak in the majesty and beauty of God. This daily transformative experience empowers us to rise, go, and accurately reflect His character to a world desperately in need of His love and influence.

This discipline requires a bit of self-examination.

Do we even have a “place of beholding?” Do we have a designated meeting place with the Lord? What do we physically bring to this sacred appointment? A Bible, a journal, wisdom books penned by other believers? What do we spiritually bring? A hunger for God, a humility to be taught, a willingness to hear the gentle whisper of the Holy Spirit, joy to be in His presence, delight in His Word? What do we leave at the gate? Our agendas, worldly distractions, the pull of full schedules? Establishing a routine destination tucked away from interruptions – both physical and spiritual – is an essential step in this “concentrated keeping of the life open towards God.”

Do we prioritize and safeguard our “place of beholding?” What gets in the way of this precious time with the Lord? Yes, there are days of illness or emergency, but in the routine of our lives, do we place this royal appointment as a “big rock” before adding the “little rocks” of everything else that vies for our time and attention? Do we hold this part of our day high above any other responsibilities, activities or relationships? Do we set our alarms early and get to bed at a decent hour so that we arrive rested, refreshed, and ready to meet with God? These are the crucial moments He uses to transform us “into His likeness with ever-increasing glory.” Do we place in His hands any worries or concerns that might draw us away from focused devotion to our dear Lord? Friend, when we come to the Well that never runs dry, may we never walk away with a half-filled cup! May we allow the Lord to drench us in His goodness, His grace, and His glory! May we joyfully submit to the change His presence brings so that we reflect our awesome God!

Finally, do we testify to what the Lord has done in our “place of beholding?” Do we boldly and excitedly tell others what God has done in us and for us? Let the redeemed of the Lord say so! Do we tell others that the great love of our great God is for them, too? Do our words and actions reflect His heart? Does time in this “place of beholding” change our countenance so that others can clearly recognize that we’ve been with the Lord?

Friends, He is your life! You have an enemy whose great joy is to keep you from abiding in the presence of your King. Distractions, good but lesser things, and excuses are a handful of the enemy’s tools. A half-hearted Christian strikes no fear in him. But a follower of Jesus, emerging from his customary time in the throne room of the Living God, his face aglow with the glory of his Father, is a powerful ambassador for all that’s holy. As Chambers encourages, “Never be hurried out of the relationship of abiding in Him.”

Place your stake in the ground. Prioritize and protect that transformative time with the Lord. Proclaim all that He is and all that He does there. May the hard, beautiful work of sanctification occur in your “place of beholding” – for your good, God’s glory, and His kingdom.


Tend Them Gently


Tear Open That Roof!