Pocket Thoughts - 1/17/25

God * will one day reveal His glory to all people * sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, where its people are like grasshoppers * tends His flock like a shepherd.


Give value and respect to others by listening to their ideas and thoughts. Assume the best about others, and filter your own words through a sieve of grace. Channel your righteous anger over injustice into action that alleviates suffering and brings blessing to the oppressed. Then the righteousness of God will be seen through your conduct, and He will be glorified. – TV


In the midst of the plagues on the nation of Egypt, Pharaoh asked Moses to pray for him and to end each plague. Although he had no respect or reverence for God Almighty, he knew Moses had a special relationship with God and that He would listen to Moses. People may not revere the Lord, but they will recognize His presence in your life as you live out your faith with authenticity and humility. Always be prepared to give the reason for the hope that you have. It may change the course of eternity for someone. – TV


Storms of life are inevitable. How we prepare for them can look one of two ways. Those who do nothing are either in denial that a storm is coming or for whatever reason take no steps for protection or survival. The storm leaves them beaten, battered, and shaken, their misplaced trust in their own self-sufficiency shattered. The prepared know that eventually the skies will darken, the winds will pick up, and the waves will crash into their boat. They use the calm seasons of their lives to rehearse how to weather the storms and to build faith in the One Who will join them in the boat. They expect and depend on His presence and help. And they are not disappointed. They arrive safely on the other side, more confident than ever in the One Who is Lord over the storms. – TV


Father, there have been far too many times when I’ve considered a situation and quickly presumed to respond to it “like Jesus would want me to.” I’ve rushed ahead without taking the time to pray, to seek Your will through Your Word, and to lay out the situation before a small assembly of wise counselors. Seldom do You present an emergency before me. Often I respond as if You have. Your time is measured and steady, and I can be quick and careless. No good comes from thoughtless haste, and a rushed soul quickly falls out of the cadence of faithfulness. Help me, please, to slow to the speed of the Spirit, to grow in sensitivity to Your rhythms, and to appreciate the unhurried pace at which Your sure and perfect will unfolds. This is the pace that will grow me to be like Jesus – time for roots to reach deep and for branches to reach high. Thank You for growing me…slowly. Thank You for the opportunity to fall into step with Your tempo rather than rushing ahead at my own. And thank You for the good fruit that comes from living, loving, and serving according to Your perfect will and timing. Humbled and joy-filled to submit to my King and to pray in the beautiful Name of Jesus, amen.


“To every soul, God will look like its first love because He is its first love. Your place in heaven will seem to be made for you and you alone, because you were made for it – made for it stitch by stitch as a glove is made for a hand.” – C.S. Lewis


“Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people. News about Him spread all over Syria, and people brought to Him all who were ill with various diseases, those suffering severe pain, the demon-possessed, those having seizures, and the paralyzed, and He healed them.” – Matthew 4:23-24


Pocket Thoughts - 1/24/25


Pocket Thoughts - 1/10/25