Pocket Thoughts - 1/3/25

God * comforts His people * gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart * was pleased to make His law great and glorious.


“Moses fled the palace after killing an Egyptian. His guilt forced him from the life he’d known, and he had no idea where to go or what to do. But God knew, and Moses landing in Midian was no accident. Even in the midst of guilt and shame, God sees you and loves you. Trust Him to deliver you. Your story isn’t over. God is a Waymaker. He has the power to redeem you and your situation and to open your eyes to the path that leads to fields of grace.” – TV


“Pulling a brother or sister out of a spiritual ditch is a hard task, but we must be willing to boldly and lovingly confront them in their sin. Pray for them, act in love, and be willing to provide support as they battle their sin struggles. We are all priests for each other. Let’s not turn a blind eye to our brothers and sisters in error, but gently come beside them as they return to the safety of God’s arms. This is exactly what Jesus does for us.” – TV


“Jesus was a controversial figure in His lifetime. In fact, His own brothers were embarrassed by Him. Religious leaders opposed Him because their followers were being drawn away from them by Jesus’ authority, words, and deeds. Even among the people, there was division. Some thought He was a good man. Others felt that He was a deceiver. Today, Jesus is still a source of controversy. Who do you say Jesus is? The answer to that question will determine the course of your relationships with family, friends, and everyone who crosses your path in life – and most importantly where you’ll spend eternity. If you take Jesus as your Lord and Savior (as His brothers did after witnessing His death and resurrection), your life will be transformed. Your allegiance will be to Him and to the truth of His Word. Not everyone will appreciate the ‘new creation’ you’ll become. Expect opposition – just as Jesus did – but continue in faithfulness.” – TV


Father, have I thanked You lately that I’m safe in You? That my life is in Your hands? That my circumstances unfold under Your watchful, caring eyes? That my soul is Yours for all of eternity? To belong to the Good Shepherd – led, protected, provided for, sacrificially loved – is a beautiful thing. I don’t dwell on it often enough as evidenced by how frequently I leave the gate of my mind open wide to the intrusion of the enemy. Anxiety, worry, fear – all his tools. And all granted access to my thoughts and focus due to my own lack of vigilance. Father, please forgive me for the amnesia that causes me to forget Your goodness. Holy Spirit, arm me with ready recall of the truth of the Word so that the “little foxes” are kept at bay. Lord Jesus, help me to remember that You secured my future on a cross and from an empty tomb. I’m held, I’m grateful, and I’m anxious to share the way to safety with a world in danger. In Your beautiful Name, amen.


“It is by the very function of our being, not our doing, that we are the beloved of God. And so we become the love of God, blessing those He loves.” – Ann Voskamp


“The Lord said to Moses, ‘Speak to the Israelites and say to them: “I am the Lord your God. You must not do as they do in Egypt, where you used to live, and you must not do as they do in the land of Canaan, where I am bringing you. Do not follow their practices. You must obey My laws and be careful to follow My decrees. I am the Lord your God. Keep My decrees and laws, for the man who obeys them will live by them. I am the Lord.”’” – Leviticus 18:1-5


Pocket Thoughts - 1/10/25


Pocket Thoughts - 12/20/24