Pocket Thoughts - 2/21/25
God * is our God – we need not be dismayed * is Creator of the heavens, Who stretches them out * is the first and the last – apart from Him, there is no God.
David experienced many private victories and deliverances by God’s hand. We, too, are blessed by His activity in our everyday lives. In the Psalms, we see evidence of David often publicly acknowledging God for what He had done for David. Be like David. Be willing and ready to openly praise God for the good works He does in the quiet of your life. Be as loud about those quiet moments as you are about His more visible activity. He’s worthy in both seasons. - TV
In the moments leading up to the exodus of Israel from Egypt, Moses intervened on behalf of God’s people multiple times. Rather than resolve the situation, his intervention only seemed to make matters worse. God, however, was setting the stage for His might to be on full display. Israel’s great suffering would be God’s showcase for His great power. When you face big problems, you’re in the perfect position to experience God’s big answers. Hold on, and don’t lose hope. – TV
Nicodemus came to Jesus under cover of darkness, possibly fearing damage to his reputation as a Jewish leader. He sought Jesus for answers to his questions. Although he was highly educated in the Scriptures, he struggled to accept the spiritual concept of being “born again.” To be born of the Spirit is to put your trust in Jesus – the Son of God – for salvation from your sins. The Spirit then takes up residence in your heart, giving you a new life. To be born again is a gift from God. When you receive that sweet gift with humility and gratitude, you become a follower of Jesus. You now have the honor of boldly proclaiming Who He is as Savior of the world and Savior of you! Tell your story of grace often and unashamedly. The world needs Jesus, and He’s yours to share! – TV
Father, there’s no better life than life with You! Life with you sweeps me away into the current of Your good, sovereign plans for now and eternity. In the vastness of humanity and history, I’m insignificant, but life with You kneads me into the great family of God, an army of holy ambassadors intent on spreading the gospel message with words and sacrificial living. Life with You gives meaning to every difficulty or challenge I encounter – an opportunity to mature and grow stronger. Life with You draws my eyes to the Giver as I enjoy the gifts from His hands. Life with You is enlightening as Your Spirit transforms my eyes and heart to see and love as You do. Oh, the joy of life with You! What an honor to be so small but so known, so loved, and so valued by such a big and awesome God! What a privilege to offer my meager gifts of faithful service to such a great King! Oh, Father, what. a. life! May I show up at heaven’s gates worn out, breathless, and thrilled will the race I’ve just completed! All for Your glory! In the beautiful Name of Jesus, amen.
“God’s purposes are not for me to understand His plans; His plan is for me to understand Who He is.” – Ann Voskamp
“The poor will eat and be satisfied; they who seek the Lord will praise Him – may your hearts live forever! All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations will bow down before Him, for dominion belongs to the Lord, and He rules over the nations.” – Psalm 22:26-28