Those Beautiful Girls
Today, I just can't get out of my head those beautiful girls! We've been blessed with two sons. Once my heart adjusted to the news of a baby - a baby! - coming to our family all those years ago, my thoughts ran down the road to each of their futures. We're all about surprise, so we never did ultrasound to find out the sex of our babies. We just waited until they popped out and celebrated right then! So back to that road...I began to pray that God would be preparing a mate for my precious child - that that equally precious child would be growing up knowing love, creativity, encouragement, GOD, joy, some hard knocks to make them appreciate the goodness of life, and an ache in their own soul for a mate to love them, too. And I prayed for my babies - that they would be groomed to love, serve, bless, see beyond themselves to the needs of a mate, and enjoy and cherish that very special gift from God. Well, guess what. God heard my prayers! And He answered in such a huge way! My married son and his sweet wife make me laugh, and I sit back and smile when I think of how much they truly love each other. True, their love is young and largely untested by life, but their commitment is solid and faithful. I see in their eyes how they would do anything for each other. My future daugther-in-law is a gift I'm slowly unwrapping as we get to know each other long distance. Even though I have yet to know her as closely as I will over the years, I have complete trust in God's provision of this sweet young lady for my son. After all, I prayed for her - and God LOVES to give good gifts!
So the Lord saw fit to bless me with sons. And He saw fit to bless my two sons with these beautiful girls! And every day, I'm so thankful that one of God's gifts to each of these young ladies was a sweet, precious relationship with their mothers. The gift of a daughter is one I'll never know. But to know that their moms enjoy that gift and have molded and shaped them into such incredible individuals - what can I do but thank their moms and the Lord?
And of course, I'll be asking God to give me wisdom as I begin the journey down the "mother-in-law" trail! I want to be a blessing to these girls and my sons, and this is all new to me. God, help me to do it right but not try too hard. I don't want to squeeze anybody to death! And, God, thank You for knowing what - and WHO - my sons would need.
So the Lord saw fit to bless me with sons. And He saw fit to bless my two sons with these beautiful girls! And every day, I'm so thankful that one of God's gifts to each of these young ladies was a sweet, precious relationship with their mothers. The gift of a daughter is one I'll never know. But to know that their moms enjoy that gift and have molded and shaped them into such incredible individuals - what can I do but thank their moms and the Lord?
And of course, I'll be asking God to give me wisdom as I begin the journey down the "mother-in-law" trail! I want to be a blessing to these girls and my sons, and this is all new to me. God, help me to do it right but not try too hard. I don't want to squeeze anybody to death! And, God, thank You for knowing what - and WHO - my sons would need.