November Roses

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A Valentine's Day Message


My heart hurts to know that your own heart is weary from the world. You long for fulfillment, for appreciation, In the quest to ease that aching, you've done things, said things, craved things that in hindsight sadden your soul. You feel that deep, deep down inside there MUST be something more, something lasting, something real, something beautiful.

And you feel those feelings because you WERE made for something more. You were created before the foundation of the world to be loved, to dwell in safety under the shadow of My wings, to be refreshed as you and I venture through this life under a harness free of weariness and burdens. Sweet one, I am gentle. I am tender. I am all you need.

There's no need to hide. There's no need for regret. There's no need to run from Me in shame or fear. Any debt your bad decisions may have accumulated? I have taken care of that -- fully. And the great cost was worth every moment of suffering to Me. Because you are My beloved. And because that is so, there are some precious, true promises that you'll ALWAYS be able to count on in this life.

First of all, you NEVER have to be afraid. Whatever you face -- the floodwaters of adversity, the searing pain of heartache, the crush of disappointment -- I am always with you. And because of that, no man can harm your precious, lovely soul. I'm for you -- no man can rob you of your dignity, your strength, your courage, your true self. Don't be afraid -- My hands are always stretched out in a covering of help and protection.

I will always take care of you. I own the cattle on a thousand hills. I call out each of the stars be name at night. I know when a single hair falls from your head. Out of the storehouses of My glorious riches pour all of the blessings necessary to meet your needs. I have grand plans for that beautiful spirit inside of you -- plans for good, for hope, for eternity. I satisfy your desires with GOOD things. Rest in My care. Trust Me.

The door is always open. There is nothing you can do to make Me love you more -- so you can stop striving. There is nothing you can do to make Me love you less -- so don't be afraid, beloved. Don't you know just how pleased I am to call you My own?! And how pleased I am that you call Me YOUR own?! I. Delight. In. YOU! There is nothing that can keep us apart -- except your turning away from the offer of My perfect love for you. Please, precious one, if your heart wanders (and it most certainly will), know that My arms are ALWAYS open in joyous welcome and celebration of your return. Let My loving-kindness draw you back to My side.

Never question that when I behold you, I see nothing short of absolute, stunning beauty. And never forget that MY perfect eye knows beauty when it sees it. You, darling one, are a lily among thorns, altogether lovely, flawless in My eyes. I cannot take My eyes off of you. And I can never stop thinking about you -- your name is engraved on the palms of My hands! I am enraptured by the exquisite uniqueness of all that makes you so very different from all of the rest.

You must know -- these promises cover more than the whisper of the wind that is your life here on earth. These promises bridge time into eternity where you'll finally enter into the promises come true of Heaven and you'll know My presence completely and fully.

Beloved, I know there are days when your heart aches for true, faithful, forever love. I just want to remind you that in have that.

The Lover of Your Soul