She is My She-ro
SHE-RO - definition - a woman who is admired for courage, outstanding achievements or noble qualities (modified definition of "hero" from our friends at; five qualities of a she-ro - courage, selflessness, humility, patience, and caring (from by Bill Murphy, Jr.).
About this time last year, she was swirling around in an ocean of decisions that needed to be made ASAP. After months of suspicious test results and conflicting conclusions by numerous doctors, a final diagnosis had been made -- breast cancer. Surgery was imminent, and a treatment plan was laid out before her. No doubt, God had led her to an amazingly compassionate, skilled surgeon who was both incredibly personable but also stone-cold truthful. On October 30, 2015, she underwent a double mastectomy. After less than two weeks' recovery, she was back at her job. A couple of weeks before Christmas, she began chemo. Every Thursday (her regular day off), she went to the treatment center and had her infusion. Back to work on Friday and Saturday -- and the worst side effects kicked in on Sunday. But by Monday, she was back at the office. If you asked her how she was feeling, she might mention a little discomfort every now and then, but there wasn't a lot of complaining going on. If you asked her how you could be praying for her, she never provided a long list. Until last spring. On one of her treatment days, she ran into an old high school classmate. Turns out, she was undergoing treatment for recently diagnosed colon cancer. She ran into another acquaintance on another occasion. And her prayer requests turned into requests not for herself, but for these other two and for others she had met during the course of her cancer fight. She gave them gifts (she's such a good gift-giver!) and encouragement and empathy. She gave of herself -- completely, wholeheartedly, joyfully, selflessly, compassionately. She completed her treatments in July, but her heart continues to be with those still in the fight. She is my SHE-RO.
Next month, her husband will be coming home from Afghanistan. He left in April to serve with the US Air Force. Since then, she's been in charge of three very active -- and suddenly accident- and illness-prone! -- children! She works full-time times two -- 40 hours in the office and 40+ more at home with the family. A month after her husband was deployed, her 15-year-old daughter ended up in the ER in the middle of the night with appendicitis. Her girl ended up needing emergency surgery, and she learned crazy fast how to scramble to arrange childcare, rides, meals, and everything else she needed for her younger two kiddos. There have been broken elbows and broken braces and broken hearts. There have been road trips and crazy schedules and lots of "God, how am I gonna get this all done?!" But she's never let her husband's deployment be an excuse to deprive her children of a full, fun, exciting family life. She's up early (4:15 is the middle of the night to me!), she gets her kids where they need to be, she works hard and has a great attitude, she gets home and makes sure everyone has what they need and has done what they're supposed to do, and she falls into bed counting the days till he gets home! Her kids see a mom who is teaching them strength, responsibility, optimism, diligence, and faith in God. She is my SHE-RO.
Seventeen years ago, she lost her 14-year-old daughter. It was a horrific accident, and the swarming lawyers were quick to encourage her to place blame and guilt. But they didn't know this mama. This mama knew Jesus too well to go down that road. Although her pain was unimaginable, her heart of forgiveness was stronger still. She refused to let the enemy win. And from the pain of losing a child that will only go away when Heaven's gates open wide, she's been a beacon of hope, light, comfort, compassion, and tenderness for countless people along her journey. She and her husband have ministered with their words in speaking and writing from their hearts. She's given of her time in hundreds of conversations with hurting souls. Her handwritten notes are treasures of love and reminders of the celebration we have in belonging to a good, good Father. She doesn't deny her pain, but her eloquence in describing it and how it's changed and shaped her faith is soul-shaking and soul-settling in the same moment. Her eyes are bright with the hope of Heaven, her smile is radiant with the joy of her Jesus, and her arms of love give the best hugs ever! She is my SHE-RO.
She's so smart! And she strives for excellence in everything she does. She got her education degree, taught, had a family, taught some more and simultaneously worked on her masters' degree and principal's certification. She was the strongest, steadiest, most faithful friend I could have asked for when I became a follower of Jesus at 18 years old. I was always ahead of her in life stages -- married earlier, had children earlier, watched my kids go through benchmark events in their lives earlier -- but our different life stages never detracted from our friendship. Thirty-five years into it, and I can't help but admire her accomplishments and her determination. I think of Mordecai's words to Esther when I think of her -- "And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:14b) She is the assistant principal at a middle school. And that in itself is packed with all kinds of "she-roism!" She inspires her teachers because she's been in their shoes. She knows how to best allow them to thrive in their environments to the benefit of their students. She holds teachers and students to high standards because she's given them the tools they need for success. She handles challenges and disruptions with the wisdom of Solomon, and she treats these "people-who-are-becoming" with respect and maturity. As a teacher, she made lifelong impressions on her students, and as a principal, she continues to leave her mark of excellence on that many more lives. She goes in to school early and gets home late. She's completely available to her staff and students. And she absolutely loves what she does. She is my SHE-RO.
Rest? Relax? What is that? These two SHE-RO's have my heart. And I bet you know someone like them, too. They're up before the sun, pulling themselves together before little people in their homes stir, getting bottles ready, lunches packed, clothes lined up. They fix pony tails and breakfast and whatever breaks that morning. They fold kids into car seats and sing silly songs on the commute and cringe when they're pretty sure that whole package of goldfish just spilled all over the backseat. They work hard at their jobs with thoughts of mommy life always just below the surface. They hope they don't smell like baby spit-up, but they're so accustomed to the smell, they really can't tell. They rock babies, cook dinners, juggle loads of laundry, read the same books for the gazillionth time, load babies into strollers to take walks, go to the grocery alone just for a few minutes of peace and quiet. They wipe tears and baby bottoms and kitchen counter tops. They snuggle and tickle and dance to Disney songs. They pray over their sleeping babies, and their hearts hurt with the love and hopes and dreams they have for their little ones. Their husbands are all in, but mamas' hearts rule the home. They love their babies and their husbands with everything in their beings. They want to do a good job so badly! And although everyone looking in from the outside sees that they actually do a GREAT job, they wash their faces, brush their teeth and hair, and collapse into bed every night with doubts and hopes that they've done enough. Sisters, you have poured yourselves out for the good of your families. You are my SHE-RO's.
I could go on and on! I know some pretty amazing women who fit the she-ro definition, and I bet you do, too! Why don't you take a minute to let them know how you feel? Your kind words will more than likely surprise and bless them because she-ro's aren't looking for accolades -- in fact, they would never consider themselves anything special, and they would never think that anyone notices the path they're on or the obstacles they face. But you and I know differently! Speak life, my friends! "Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." (Proverbs 16:24)