Celebrating Two Years of Lucy Love!
Dearest Lucy,
Tomorrow, a little girl with dark curls and chocolate eyes will pop out of bed. You, sweet girl, will wake up, and you will be two years old!
It's been quite a year for you! You've discovered some strong likes and dislikes, and you've learned to express those preferences quite strongly! You are passionate -- very happy, very sad, very mad, very hungry, very amused! If you're not "very," you're asleep!
You continue to endure Daddy's odd dress-up choices -- pajama pants on your head being the first one that comes to mind. Those chocolate eyes are often covered up by glamorous sunglasses, swim goggles or a tiara worn down across your eyes -- because that's the way you want to wear it. You have the unusual talent (which I believe you're outgrowing) of being able to put your index fingers up your nostrils up to the first joint. (Don't worry, Dad. That will eventually turn away the guys who would otherwise come knocking at your door, but until fifth grade or so, it will be quite the attraction!)
You would like for us to think that you're on your way to being all grown up. You're an expert at lugging around Daddy's briefcase. And you look pretty cute in that shower cap that you put on over your face (?)! Potty training must surely be just around the corner because you practice sitting on the potty all the time. Wearing your diaper. And trying to solve a Rubik's cube. Sigh...multitasking begins at such a young age.
Everyone has favorites, and you're no exception. Your favorite place to be is outside. Is it 95 degrees? That's not really something that you worry about. You love the park, the backyard, the woods, the pool -- if it's outside, it's okay with you. You also are a big fan of eating (so sorry -- that may have genetic links to me!), and I've learned that when you rummage through my purse, you're not looking for lipstick or keys or bracelets -- you're on the hunt for goldfish, Cheerios, and crackers!
In fact, eating classmates was a part of your life back in the spring, and you were fully aware of how detrimental that was to your social life. Here is the transcript of the conversation you and your Mommy had about that.
Mommy: Lucy, did you have a good day?
Lucy: No.
Mommy: You didn't have a good day?
Lucy: No.
Mommy: Did you bite kids today?
Lucy: Bite. Bite. BITE!
Mommy: It's not nice to bite your friends. Why'd you bite your friends?
Lucy: (Ignores her Mommy. Looks away sheepishly.)
Mommy: You don't know? Okay. You gonna have a good day tomorrow?
Lucy: No.
Lucy, you crack me up!
Some people that you don't want to eat are your cousins. You're a big fan of cousin time. You have Mallory, Ellsy, Holly, and Everly to enjoy, and you do that at every opportunity. You and your cousins make for a happy mix and lots of fun and laughter. And how God managed to give you all girl cousins?! What a trick/treat! You love to play with them, but you also have a tender, caring heart for them. When cousin Evie had to take a trip to the ER, you sent her a sweet "get well" message. And you were quick to send a "happy birthday" video when she celebrated her second birthday.
Probably the biggest thing in your little life this year has been the added blessing of a baby sister! Now you get to share all of that love in your sweet heart with a friend-for-life in Eleanor Rose. You're always concerned about her, asking where she is and wanting to help with her care. I foresee a beautiful bond growing between the two of you because of the kindness I see in you already.
Miss Lucy, you make my heart so happy! Your funny dances, your quizzical looks, your happy hugs -- if I had a dollar for every time you made me laugh, I'd be one rich Milly! Let me tell you -- God loves sunshine -- in fact, He is the light of the world! But He places His sunshine in the hearts of His children so that they'll shine for Him. Thank you, Lucy, for letting your joy shine into my life.
Loving you always with all of my heart,
Tomorrow, a little girl with dark curls and chocolate eyes will pop out of bed. You, sweet girl, will wake up, and you will be two years old!
It's been quite a year for you! You've discovered some strong likes and dislikes, and you've learned to express those preferences quite strongly! You are passionate -- very happy, very sad, very mad, very hungry, very amused! If you're not "very," you're asleep!
You continue to endure Daddy's odd dress-up choices -- pajama pants on your head being the first one that comes to mind. Those chocolate eyes are often covered up by glamorous sunglasses, swim goggles or a tiara worn down across your eyes -- because that's the way you want to wear it. You have the unusual talent (which I believe you're outgrowing) of being able to put your index fingers up your nostrils up to the first joint. (Don't worry, Dad. That will eventually turn away the guys who would otherwise come knocking at your door, but until fifth grade or so, it will be quite the attraction!)
You would like for us to think that you're on your way to being all grown up. You're an expert at lugging around Daddy's briefcase. And you look pretty cute in that shower cap that you put on over your face (?)! Potty training must surely be just around the corner because you practice sitting on the potty all the time. Wearing your diaper. And trying to solve a Rubik's cube. Sigh...multitasking begins at such a young age.
Everyone has favorites, and you're no exception. Your favorite place to be is outside. Is it 95 degrees? That's not really something that you worry about. You love the park, the backyard, the woods, the pool -- if it's outside, it's okay with you. You also are a big fan of eating (so sorry -- that may have genetic links to me!), and I've learned that when you rummage through my purse, you're not looking for lipstick or keys or bracelets -- you're on the hunt for goldfish, Cheerios, and crackers!
In fact, eating classmates was a part of your life back in the spring, and you were fully aware of how detrimental that was to your social life. Here is the transcript of the conversation you and your Mommy had about that.
Mommy: Lucy, did you have a good day?
Lucy: No.
Mommy: You didn't have a good day?
Lucy: No.
Mommy: Did you bite kids today?
Lucy: Bite. Bite. BITE!
Mommy: It's not nice to bite your friends. Why'd you bite your friends?
Lucy: (Ignores her Mommy. Looks away sheepishly.)
Mommy: You don't know? Okay. You gonna have a good day tomorrow?
Lucy: No.
Lucy, you crack me up!
Some people that you don't want to eat are your cousins. You're a big fan of cousin time. You have Mallory, Ellsy, Holly, and Everly to enjoy, and you do that at every opportunity. You and your cousins make for a happy mix and lots of fun and laughter. And how God managed to give you all girl cousins?! What a trick/treat! You love to play with them, but you also have a tender, caring heart for them. When cousin Evie had to take a trip to the ER, you sent her a sweet "get well" message. And you were quick to send a "happy birthday" video when she celebrated her second birthday.
Probably the biggest thing in your little life this year has been the added blessing of a baby sister! Now you get to share all of that love in your sweet heart with a friend-for-life in Eleanor Rose. You're always concerned about her, asking where she is and wanting to help with her care. I foresee a beautiful bond growing between the two of you because of the kindness I see in you already.
Miss Lucy, you make my heart so happy! Your funny dances, your quizzical looks, your happy hugs -- if I had a dollar for every time you made me laugh, I'd be one rich Milly! Let me tell you -- God loves sunshine -- in fact, He is the light of the world! But He places His sunshine in the hearts of His children so that they'll shine for Him. Thank you, Lucy, for letting your joy shine into my life.
Loving you always with all of my heart,