How to Change the World
"It's strange how that is: everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to do the small thing that makes just one person feel loved." -- Ann Voskamp, The Broken Way
How to change the world? One person at a time.
Draw a circle around yourself. The person inside the circle is the only one you have much control over. (And even at that, the Lord's ways prevail. "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." -- Proverbs 16:9) So if you're truly interested in changing the world, start with the gal or guy inside the circle. Put in some serious time with God, and see if His Spirit prompts you to make some attitude or heart adjustments. Then ask Him to give you everything you need to make a difference. Turns out, He's already promised you that He's up for that one! "His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him Who called us by His own glory and goodness." -- 2 Peter 1:3
Then look around you. And start at your own house. Do you have a husband or a wife? Love him or her well -- sacrificially, respectfully, selflessly. By your words and deeds, he or she should know the love of a good spouse and a good God. Got kiddos? Lead and encourage them with hope and a godly example. Light the fire of faith in their hearts. Bring the Bible to life at every opportunity. Help them to know and understand grace by modeling it in your parenting and by introducing them to the King of grace. You may be in a season of life where your family is your biggest sphere of influence. And that's okay because being the light in your own home will ignite love and faith in your family members...who will also go out and be world-changers.
As your life stage allows, expand your circle to your friends, co-workers, and neighbors. Be kind and compassionate. Be a great listener, and be generous with your time and resources. Be thoughtful and encouraging. Let your counsel be wise, full of God's wisdom, truth, and promises. At every opportunity, do whatever you can to say with your life, "You are loved. Your life matters. You are highly valued by the God Who made you." It's been around a long time, but the saying, "You may be the only Jesus your friends ever see," is truer than you think. So be His ambassador, and be a really good one!
Invest in this precious garden of loved ones, but don't limit your love and service just to them. Be respectful and treat with dignity those who are different than you in opinion, in faith, in ethnicity -- in any way. Whether you agree with a person or not doesn't change the fact that he or she is created and loved by the Most High God -- just like you are. And remember -- true, godly humility looks really good on just about everybody.
In all of your efforts, remember that a random act of kindness brings a smile, but an intentional act of kindness brings deep-down joy and touches a soul in a way that nothing else can. By loving one person...and then another...and then another...well, who knows? You may not change the world, but the love of God shining through you will make a bigger difference than you could ever imagine.
How to change the world? One person at a time.
Draw a circle around yourself. The person inside the circle is the only one you have much control over. (And even at that, the Lord's ways prevail. "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." -- Proverbs 16:9) So if you're truly interested in changing the world, start with the gal or guy inside the circle. Put in some serious time with God, and see if His Spirit prompts you to make some attitude or heart adjustments. Then ask Him to give you everything you need to make a difference. Turns out, He's already promised you that He's up for that one! "His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him Who called us by His own glory and goodness." -- 2 Peter 1:3
Then look around you. And start at your own house. Do you have a husband or a wife? Love him or her well -- sacrificially, respectfully, selflessly. By your words and deeds, he or she should know the love of a good spouse and a good God. Got kiddos? Lead and encourage them with hope and a godly example. Light the fire of faith in their hearts. Bring the Bible to life at every opportunity. Help them to know and understand grace by modeling it in your parenting and by introducing them to the King of grace. You may be in a season of life where your family is your biggest sphere of influence. And that's okay because being the light in your own home will ignite love and faith in your family members...who will also go out and be world-changers.
As your life stage allows, expand your circle to your friends, co-workers, and neighbors. Be kind and compassionate. Be a great listener, and be generous with your time and resources. Be thoughtful and encouraging. Let your counsel be wise, full of God's wisdom, truth, and promises. At every opportunity, do whatever you can to say with your life, "You are loved. Your life matters. You are highly valued by the God Who made you." It's been around a long time, but the saying, "You may be the only Jesus your friends ever see," is truer than you think. So be His ambassador, and be a really good one!
Invest in this precious garden of loved ones, but don't limit your love and service just to them. Be respectful and treat with dignity those who are different than you in opinion, in faith, in ethnicity -- in any way. Whether you agree with a person or not doesn't change the fact that he or she is created and loved by the Most High God -- just like you are. And remember -- true, godly humility looks really good on just about everybody.
In all of your efforts, remember that a random act of kindness brings a smile, but an intentional act of kindness brings deep-down joy and touches a soul in a way that nothing else can. By loving one person...and then another...and then another...well, who knows? You may not change the world, but the love of God shining through you will make a bigger difference than you could ever imagine.