November Roses

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Sweet September Sunshine

Dearest Eleanor,

I imagine that about a year ago, God was in Heaven and decided that September was missing something special. And that "something" was you -- our Sweet September Sunshine! Happy first birthday, little chickie! I'm looking in my rearview mirror at 365 days with our Eleanor Rose, and my heart just fills with JOY!

What a delight you've brought to each of those days! God has given you a very special gift -- the gift of noticing people. Your big brown eyes seem to search souls, seeking out who might be one smile short of a better day. It seems to be your mission to engage people so that you can brighten their lives with a big ol' Ellie smile! I know -- you've done it to me a million times, and I hope you do it to me millions more!

When you were born, big sister Lucy realized what she'd been missing her whole life -- a living baby doll! She fell in love with you on Day One. That sprinkle of sibling rivalry didn't last for long. Lucy is now your self-appointed protector, helper, teacher, and confidant. And I'm predicting that her love and devotion for her Ellie will only grow stronger over the years. (And there may be a few more "sprinkles" of SR?!)

Because you were a baby and had no say in the matter, you were costumed as a gumball machine for your first Halloween. In all fairness, you were the most adorable gumball machine I've ever seen. Pretty sure you didn't actually dispense any gumballs that night, but you were FANTASTIC at dispensing those winning smiles!

Your continental USA passport is beginning to collect a few stamps. You've been to California, Colorado, and Oklahoma. You've made a few trips to various locations in the great state of Texas. And I'm thinking travel may just be a part of your story in the future, too. You seem to be that kind of girl. But you also seem to be that kind of girl who knows deep down in her heart that there's no place like home. And I do promise to indoctrinate you about the importance of your true allegiances -- Heaven first, Texas second, USA third. A girl's gotta remember her roots.

I can't leave out that other "family member" that you're pretty attached to -- Beans the Very Bad Dog (who's actually not bad very often any more). Beans just "knew" you were on your way, and he was always snuggling up next to Mommy's tummy in anticipation of your arrival. And then once you got here, he snuggled YOU! He's pretty tolerant and lets you explore his ears, his eyes, his soft fur, and his waggy tail. You seem content with the price tag -- all of the leftovers and "snacks" that you share with him from your high chair and the occasional cleaning that he gives you when you're wearing a substantial amount of food on your face.

And speaking of are a big fan of most things edible, earning the early nickname of "Ellie Belly" because...well, because. But I totally understand. What's a great party without great food?! You. Are. My. People. And now we (mostly) just call you "Ellie Belle" -- because you are adorable.

You are easy-going. Social. Fun. Funny. You ARE Mom's little buddy. Dad's "mini-me" (according to family members in the know). Lucy's bestie. Cousin-buddy to an adorable crew of little girls. Beloved niece. Holder of the keys to your grandparents' hearts. And God's sweet reminder that there is ALWAYS something to smile about.

Happy birthday, little one! I'm so thankful for the gift of YOU!

Loving you always with all of my heart,