The Girl's Got Swagger -- Lucy Turns Three!
Well, happy birthday, Lu! You've packed your third year of life full of discovery and growth and just a little bit of fun! You've made me laugh with your crazy expressions, knotted curls, and new words to old songs. You've made me proud with your helpful and tender heart. You've made me humble and thankful for the front row seat to your sweet little life.
Your confidence is inspiring, and I pray that you never lose it. Few can pull off a wardrobe change and still impress like you can! You can go from nightgown to school uniform to princess gown and look just MAHVELOUS! No one can rock a sundress, pink cowgirl boots, and strawberry-shaped shades like Miss Lucy. From church dress to p.j.'s to the latest in toddler girl couture -- just add sunglasses, and you're pure glamour! And I'm not sure I've seen anyone -- ever -- "Cheese!" as hard as you do. It almost looks like it hurts, but you manage to make it look cute. :)
You dress for success because you're a leader. You could ride in the wagon -- hey, Dad offered to pull -- but you'd much prefer to pull it yourself. You could play in the floor while Mom cooks dinner, but it's nice to stand in your "tower" and direct the proceedings. If all of those baby dolls were real, they'd be in the best of hands because Mama Lucy takes her mothering VERY seriously. You don't just like to swing -- you like to swing HIGH! Sure, some kids like to go to the park. Some like to go to the play area at the fast food restaurant. And you can do that. But if anyone wants your true opinion, your preferred destination is, of course, "Costco!" You know yourself. You're beginning to master multi-tasking as you scroll through iPad content while warming the potty seat. (Did Daddy teach you that?!) You're the boss of the sidewalk as you whiz along on your smokin' hot scooter and rock your pink helmet.
You're a reader and a big fan of the outdoors and a puzzle-solver and a kolache eater and a singer! My happiest thoughts after we've spent time together are of you singing to me or with me, showing off the newest addition to your repertoire or tweaking toddler classics with Lucy lyrics or humming with Milly as I introduce new songs to you. When the time comes to make your first CD (or whatever they play music from in the future), I'd like to go ahead and pre-order 1,000 copies, please. Send the bill to Papa.
Family is a big deal to you. You do your best to look interested when Daddy decides to try to indoctrinate and educate you on the latest political topics. You adore time with Mommy -- your best and favorite role model. And Eleanor is one of the luckiest little sisters on the planet. You guys are bath buddies, able to scream and splash until there's not a whole lot of water left in the tub! You can read to her and give her a bottle and entertain her like no other. You draw the line at changing diapers, and I don't blame you one bit. Ellie could quite possibly be your biggest fan! You're all in on cousin time, and I see you and your Merry Band of Girl Cousins being world-changers one day. There's no doubt that your voices will be heard because you all squeal and scream and giggle and talk at levels that say, "Ya better listen to us or we'll just get louder!"
And when your day of looking sassy and leading the pack and loving with your whole heart is as full as it can get -- well, that's when the sweetness just about does me in. When I get the chance to have you cuddle up in my lap with those dark, sleepy eyes and that dollop of messy curls and that full cup of milk, I could just about melt away. Your eyes flutter and finally close for good, and then the gal with the swagger is down for the count.
Birthday girl, you know it's true. I'm...
Always loving you with all of my heart,
Your confidence is inspiring, and I pray that you never lose it. Few can pull off a wardrobe change and still impress like you can! You can go from nightgown to school uniform to princess gown and look just MAHVELOUS! No one can rock a sundress, pink cowgirl boots, and strawberry-shaped shades like Miss Lucy. From church dress to p.j.'s to the latest in toddler girl couture -- just add sunglasses, and you're pure glamour! And I'm not sure I've seen anyone -- ever -- "Cheese!" as hard as you do. It almost looks like it hurts, but you manage to make it look cute. :)
You dress for success because you're a leader. You could ride in the wagon -- hey, Dad offered to pull -- but you'd much prefer to pull it yourself. You could play in the floor while Mom cooks dinner, but it's nice to stand in your "tower" and direct the proceedings. If all of those baby dolls were real, they'd be in the best of hands because Mama Lucy takes her mothering VERY seriously. You don't just like to swing -- you like to swing HIGH! Sure, some kids like to go to the park. Some like to go to the play area at the fast food restaurant. And you can do that. But if anyone wants your true opinion, your preferred destination is, of course, "Costco!" You know yourself. You're beginning to master multi-tasking as you scroll through iPad content while warming the potty seat. (Did Daddy teach you that?!) You're the boss of the sidewalk as you whiz along on your smokin' hot scooter and rock your pink helmet.
You're a reader and a big fan of the outdoors and a puzzle-solver and a kolache eater and a singer! My happiest thoughts after we've spent time together are of you singing to me or with me, showing off the newest addition to your repertoire or tweaking toddler classics with Lucy lyrics or humming with Milly as I introduce new songs to you. When the time comes to make your first CD (or whatever they play music from in the future), I'd like to go ahead and pre-order 1,000 copies, please. Send the bill to Papa.
Family is a big deal to you. You do your best to look interested when Daddy decides to try to indoctrinate and educate you on the latest political topics. You adore time with Mommy -- your best and favorite role model. And Eleanor is one of the luckiest little sisters on the planet. You guys are bath buddies, able to scream and splash until there's not a whole lot of water left in the tub! You can read to her and give her a bottle and entertain her like no other. You draw the line at changing diapers, and I don't blame you one bit. Ellie could quite possibly be your biggest fan! You're all in on cousin time, and I see you and your Merry Band of Girl Cousins being world-changers one day. There's no doubt that your voices will be heard because you all squeal and scream and giggle and talk at levels that say, "Ya better listen to us or we'll just get louder!"
And when your day of looking sassy and leading the pack and loving with your whole heart is as full as it can get -- well, that's when the sweetness just about does me in. When I get the chance to have you cuddle up in my lap with those dark, sleepy eyes and that dollop of messy curls and that full cup of milk, I could just about melt away. Your eyes flutter and finally close for good, and then the gal with the swagger is down for the count.
Birthday girl, you know it's true. I'm...
Always loving you with all of my heart,