And Just Like That -- Everly Is Three!

What a year it's been for you, Miss Everly! You've grown up so much, and Papa and I are so proud of you! It seems that every day, you pick up a new habit, phrase, talent, look or emotion that wins us over again and again! You've become quite the thoughtful young lady as you cross your legs, look deep into our eyes, pause, and speak little girl wisdom. There's obviously lots going on in that busy mind of yours, and you think really hard before you have your say.

Signs that you're a big girl now:
   -- You tell us you are! No more "Cutie Pie" for you! We stand corrected!
   -- When we call you "Evie," you remind us that your name is Everly. Yes, ma'am.
   -- Big girls don't wear diapers. (And Mommy and Daddy thought the day would never come!)
   -- Silverware is important.
   -- You have a "big girl" haircut now.
   -- You've had your first real dentist appointment.
   -- You've hosted your first event -- baby sister Janie's Sip and See.

Speaking of Janie, you're such a helpful big sister! You count her toes (just in case one goes missing) and keep her company. You've even been discovered teaching her about God making butterflies and all of the colors just for her. You've taught her how to make the most of bath time, and you've learned to feed Elmo "from your tummy."

You've shown us just how much a girl can learn in a year. A few of Papa's and Milly's bragging points:
   -- counting in English AND Spanish;
   -- saying the Pledge of Allegiance;
   -- doing a puzzle of the United States in less than five minutes -- by yourself;
   -- knowing the words to LOTS of songs;
   -- recognizing the letters of the alphabet.
Mommy and Daddy have given you lots of opportunities to learn new things. You've tried your hand at dance, cheer, tumbling, and swim. But your BEST talent is giving hugs, and you learned that on your own.😊

You have the ability to morph from one personality to another -- princess to cowgirl to puppy to mommy -- in minutes. You love to play at the beach, watch movies, march around in high heels, tend to all of your babies (and you have a LOT!), go down big slides, visit the zoo, dress up in princess dresses, vacuum (yes, vacuum -- you are your father's child!), paint, and read. You like to eat ketchup (truly a food group), goldfish, vanilla ice cream with "sprinklers," fruit snacks, and popsicles in the bathtub.

But my favorite thing about this past year has been to watch your heart grow big and tender and kind. To hear you say, "You're my best friend in the whole wide world."...To see you playing and sharing with your cousins and little friends...To hear you quote,
     "Grandparent, grandparent, it's your day.
       Sending lots of love your way.
       It's fun to spend time with you.
       Thank you for all you do."
And to see videos each week of you sitting in your carseat on the way home from church, telling Mommy and Daddy what you learned..."God loves me."

Yes, He does, Big Girl. Yes, He does. And so do I. Happy birthday, Everly!

Loving you always with all of my heart,

The Girl's Got Swagger -- Lucy Turns Three!


Just a Little Tuesday Prayer Goin' On...