Oh, Jackson, You are One-derful!
Dear Jackson,
From the moment that confetti cannon shot out shreds of blue paper, we knew our world was about to change forever! Sure enough - we can't imagine life without our little Jackadoo and that silly, happy smile of yours!
Bless your little heart - you landed in the middle of a princess-loving, tutu-wearing, sparkle-sprinkled wonderland. Those sisters of yours were girly-girl to the 1,000th degree! The plus side? They decided you would be their living baby doll! So needless to say, there haven't been too many moments in your life when you've lacked for anything! There's always been a sister around to fetch a diaper, give you a bottle, or just help pass the time with all kinds of sister insanity!
And a double blessing of your little heart - you've landed in the middle of FIVE girl cousins! Oh, little buddy! YOU are surrounded! The good thing (of course, there are many!) is that in addition to all of those doting girls, you are a novelty! "A boy?! How shall we play with a boy?! What kinds of fun clothes does a baby boy wear?!" And slowly, dinosaurs and tractors, plaid flannel and fox prints, dump trucks and soccer balls are beginning to invade toy boxes and closet shelves. Now, don't tell anybody that I told you - but I think the girls are having fun with this!
You landed into your family six months before the pandemic turned things a little sideways. But my goodness - if there were ever a baby to be quarantined with, I'm pretty sure your family hit the jackpot! They could search high and low, but I don't think they could find a happier, more easy going, easy-to-please kiddo! Going on a walk? Okay! Riding along for a grocery pick-up? Okay! Staring into Dad's study and making really cute noises so that he'll notice you? Okay! Listening to loud music and watching the big sisters dance like crazy folks? Okay! Rolling around on a stack of pillows? Okay! And...I really appreciate that during the pandemic, you've helped me to be more accepting of my chubby thighs - solidarity, little bro!
I really like that when I rub your just-now-sprouting-hair head, you relax like a lizard getting a belly rub! I really like that your blue eyes look just like the sky! I really like that you smile so easily and that it takes a long time for that grin to fade! I really like that when you "talk," you look like you know what you're saying! I really like that you and Papa always look like you're plotting to take over the world when you two lean your heads together! I really like that when you're tired, you don't want to be rocked or walked or sung to - you want your sleep sack, your pacifier, and your bed! I really like that just days before your birthday, you gave all of US a present - you started walking!
All of those things give me a hint of who you will one day be - an adorable, confident, low-stress fella who knows what he wants, who knows how to give joy, and who has a big ol' heart of love! God knew that the world would need more light, more joy, more JACK! And we count our blessings that He chose to plant a little round-faced, rosy-cheeked, cutie right in the middle of a sweet little family in Frisco, Texas!
I would say that you fit right in. But the reality is that you're the piece we've all been missing! Happy birthday, sweet Jackson!
Always loving you with all of my heart,