Adventure Girl - Being Eight is Great!

Dear Lucy,

Sister, you really know how to pack a lot of living into a year! Although you tend to hang back to size up each situation, you're becoming more brave and willing to try new experiences. Happy birthday #8 to a girl with a big heart and a big appetite for adventure!

In all situations, you lead your pack with gentleness and thoughtfulness. Ellie and Jack know they can look to you for guidance and help. You're a peacemaker and an encourager. You love to celebrate your siblings, family, and friends with handmade cards and gifts. Your focus on loving others well is endearing and makes you a welcome addition to any group - classmates, cousins, teammates, and others. You personify the memory verse you learned last summer. Proverbs 17:17 says, "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.

Your sense of adventure starts in your closet. You love to put together fun outfits and create a style all your own! You wear what's bright and comfy with whatever crazy socks you're in the mood for - and you're ready for the day! You love an impromptu dance party wherever you happen to be. (Hello, Target - can you crank up that tune?! We're trying to dance over here in Aisle 9!) You love trying new foods and flavors - latest faves being Italian, ramen, and hibachi.

You're a reader, a crafter, and a crazy intense Monopoly player. You're into soccer, bike riding, and all things Fisher Elementary. You've lost several teeth, but your new smile is growing in beautifully. You've had your first broken bone - thanks a lot, hover board!

We've made some sweet memories this year, and my heart will always remember Milly Days after school, summer camp days, walks to the neighborhood park to see if we could pet our neighbor's dog Oliver, lots of giggles, school clothes shopping, cousin days, and your special birthday dinner. I've seen you share with your siblings, give up your favorite booster seat to Ellie, help Jack with MagnaTile projects, calm down crazy Cookie and give her belly rubs, and just give yourself away with kindness and compassion.

But the greatest adventure of the past year (and now for the rest of your life!) was when you asked Jesus to be your forever Friend and the Boss of your life. You learned to draw the bridge illustration - with us on one side of a canyon, God on the other side, and sin separating us from Him. You learned that only Jesus can help us get to God because the cross is the bridge that reaches from God's side of the canyon to our side. You learned that once you belong to Jesus, you're safe in His arms forever.

So go ahead and seek out those adventures, girl! With Jesus in your heart and a mind set on trying new things, you have a fun ride ahead of you! Thank you for letting me be a part of your journey. You are so special to me.

Always loving you with all of my heart,



Do You See What I See in This Six-Year-Old?


A Great Day to Celebrate Being Eight!